Sunday, October 17, 2010

Got a phone? Have some fun. Sabotage their effort!

I belong to Organizing for America so you don't have to.

Read the following OfA letter. Click on the link at the start of the letter.

I must say, it appears the Democrats are far more organized and making better use of new technology than the Republicans. From your home computer you can have a call list with no effort. Of course the program could have some glitches or drawbacks but I am impressed.

I wonder if Mary P Cantrell is going to get numerous calls? The link in my letter had her as the first contact and a letter sent to someone else also had her as the first contact, so the link must have the same list sent to everyone. I am not sure how this works.

A member of the nine 12 Project Nashville list serve posted this message which I endorse:

Okay, want to have some fun?

Obama's organization which, by the way campaigns 24/7/365 not just near elections, has sent out to his people (that's us, right---aren't we his people? Doesn't he represent us?) a way of having phone numbers and matching names of potential voters.

Both President Obama and I are asking you to man the phones and call voters.

Follow their instructions but of course be sure to suggest that you ask the person you've called to vote for our people.

You might point out to them that the democrats complained about George W. Bush's creation of a huge deficit but that the democrats, who have been in control of Congress for six years are the body who determines what, where, and how much money our federal government will spend. Under the dems, the deficit has risen to a number 3 times greater than when GWB was president.
Inflation is at 10% or greater in most areas of the country and if the person you're calling wants to perpetuate this destruction of America they'd best vote democrat...but you could mention that there are other choices toward responsible government.

You can do it.

Shall you make ten calls? Why not? Have a little fun.
I did not do what the writer at 9-12 project suggested. This is what I did. I did not actually call the people. I filled out the form and alternated between listing the phone as "wrong number" or "GOP supporter." I also occasionally put in a "does not speak English" and "deceased." Maybe that screws up their database. If you don't actually make the calls this is quick. You can zip through about 30 names a minute.

Go ahead. Have some fun. Sabotage their effort!

Organizing for America
Friend --

There's something we all need to do. Please click this link -- right now.

A person's name and phone number are going to come up on the screen. You'll see where this person's from -- it'll likely be a town somewhere in your state -- and how old they are.

Right now, all across the country, thousands of us are doing what you just did. Then, we're picking up our phones, and we're dialing the number beneath the name. And then -- along with those reaching out to folks from the doorsteps and the sidewalks -- we're starting a conversation. It's incredibly powerful.

We're calling today "Change by the Million" -- because we know this is absolutely the most effective way we can reach people. And together, we'll reach out to folks 1 million times before the day ends. But to do that, we all have to pitch in.

Click here now to get started.

At first, the name that appears is just that -- letters on a screen. Look harder.

This person could be a college student who voted for the first time in 2008 -- and has lost interest since then. Not currently planning on making it to the polls in 17 days.

It might be a single mom who isn't sure if she'll have time to get out of work, pick up her kids from school, and still make it to her polling location on Election Day. No one's really talked to her about why it's worth it.

Maybe it's an electrical worker who recently lost his job. He voted for President Obama -- but hasn't been feeling engaged the past year. He's frustrated -- and no one's talked to him about why his vote matters.

Right now, you can be the person who makes sure each of them is committed to vote. You can be the person who reminds them why their vote matters. And you can be the person who ensures that they're standing in line at the polls on November 2nd.

The votes may be counted on Election Day -- but that's not when elections are won. They're won right here, on days like today -- with conversations on doorsteps and on the phones. Conversations like the one you're about to have. Conversations that determine who shows up at the polls -- and who stays at home.

So, please -- don't linger on the sidelines. Don't take a pass and assume there might be a better time you can pitch in, or another way you can be effective.

This is the best time -- and this is the best way.

So jump on the phone -- there's someone who needs to hear from you.

Click here to meet them:

See you out there,


Natalie Foster
New Media Director

P.S. -- Tomorrow, the First Lady and the President will be leading a rally together in Columbus, Ohio. You can watch live here. The rally begins at 6 p.m., and the President and First Lady are speaking at 8 p.m. Eastern Time.

Paid for by Organizing for America, a project of the Democratic National Committee -- 430 South Capitol Street SE, Washington, D.C. 20003. This communication is not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.

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