Wednesday, October 06, 2010

How to meet Jim Cooper

Kay Brooks reports that for folks who were looking forward to a debate between Rep. Jim Cooper and Republican candidate David Hall at the recent Haywood Lane Neighborhood Association's candidates forum but were disappointed that Cooper was a no-show may want to consider accepting an invitation that was published on the East Nashville and Inglewood email lists recently. Kay suggest this may be an alternative venue for folks to speak with their current Congressman.

Here is the invitation:

Dan Heller and Hope Browning, and Shawn and Elizabeth M-K Sullivan invite you to coffee and conversation with

U.S. Representative Jim Cooper

Date: Sunday, October 10, 2010
Time: 2-4 pm
Location: Riverside Village Courtyard –
The corner of McGavock Avenue and Riverside Drive in the Inglewood neighborhood - 37216
Parking available at Riverside Village, behind M&M Furniture and on the grassy lot at Maxey & McGavock Avenues. Please carpool and/or ride your bike. Bike parking at the courtyard aplenty
Free, casual, family friendly, come and go as your schedule allows.
Refreshments from Mitchell Deli provided.
RSVP: Email elizabethmksullivan at Comcast dot net to RSVP or to ask questions.

Getting invited to a private party is about the only way one is going to get a chance to talk to Congressman Cooper it appears. If you RSVP and do not get a reply you may want to just show up. I doubt they would turn you away. I have been know to crash a few parties in my time. Try it. If you do get to attend this event, please ask Congressman Cooper to stop hiding out and to debate David Hall.

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