Sunday, October 03, 2010

Metro Council votes to continue abuse of Eminent Domain

Last month the Metro Council took a strong stand against private property rights and voted to continue the abuse of Eminent Domain.

Council Jim Gotto was the sponsor of a proposed charter amendment that would have taken the power of eminent domain away from agencies such as MDHA and reserved the power of eminent domain to the Metro Council. Now, several agencies of Metro Government can condemn property without the condemnation ever going before the Metro Council. In the past, private property has often been condemned to benefit private institutions or developers. In making his case for the charter amendment, Gotto argued, "The use of eminent domain should be limited to only those projects that are absolutely necessary for government to fulfill its purposes."

Gotto recalled the abuse of eminent domain in the recent case of Joy Ford: "Ms Ford owns a business that is within the footprint of the Gulch Redevelopment District. MDHA through a subjective decision making process declared her property blighted and undertook proceedings to obtain it through eminent domain against Ms Ford’s wishes. The purpose of this property seizure was to pass it on to Lionstone Group, a private developer." (link)

Unfortunately, most council members did not agree with Mr. Gotto. Next time Metro Council elections roll around we should remember this and hold accountable those councilmen who voted against private property rights. Candidates running for office should have to declare how they stand on this issues. Only candidates who support private property rights should be elected or reelected to the Metro Council. There are very few clear cut issue that come before the council that reflect an ideological choice. Often reasonable people can disagree about issues before the council. In my view, this is not one of those issues. Anyone who voted against this proposed charter amendment does not deserve to be reelected.

A Good Dozen

God Bless Jim Gotto and the eleven other Council Members who voted with him. Those voting in favor of the proposed charter amendment were:

  • Frank Harrison (District 2),
  • Walter Hunt (District 3),
  • Michael Craddock (District 4),
  • Jamie Hollin (District 5),
  • Karen Bennett (District 8) ,
  • Jim Gotto (District 12),
  • Bruce Stanley (District 14) ,
  • Phil Claiborne (District 15),
  • Eric Crafton (District 22),
  • Randy Foster (District 27),
  • Duane Dominy (District 28),
  • Vivian Wilhoite (District 29).

Those opposing the reform charter amendment

  • Tim Garrett (At-large),
  • Megan Barry (At-large),
  • Jerry Maynard (At-large,
  • Mike Jameson (District 6),
  • Erik Cole (District 7),
  • Jim Forkum (District 9),
  • Rip Ryman (District 10),
  • Darren Jernigan (District 11),
  • Anna Page (District 16) ,
  • Sandra Moore (District 17),
  • Kristine LaLonde (District 18),
  • Erica Gilmore (District 19),
  • Buddy Baker (District 20),
  • Edith Taylor Langster (District 21),
  • Jason Holleman (District 20),
  • Sean McGuire (District 25),
  • Greg Adkins (District 26),
  • Jim Hodge (District 30),
  • Parker Toler (District 31),
  • Carter Todd (District 34),
  • Bo Mitchell (District 35).

Other members were absent from this special called session of the Metro Council. To read the proposed charter amendment follow this link: RESOLUTION NO. RS2008-431

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