Sunday, October 10, 2010

Steve Gill has done nothing but trash our candidates

Today on The Steve Gill Show, Steve went off on David Hall, telling his audience that Jim Cooper was a better choice. Actually what he said was, “The only thing that would be worse than Jim Cooper being elected would be if David Hall were to be elected.” He told people not to waste their time working for David. He was a loser.

Enough is enough. I have always thought Steve Gill was the worst of the conservative talk show host in Nashville. In my opinion Steve Gill is a self-promoting, egotistical, loud-mouth showman who is not a friend of the conservative movement and is only interested in Steve Gill. I have always thought he appealed to the worst instincts in people and lacked substance. I will not listen to his show anymore. I hope he goes off the air.

I am proud of Kathleen Starnes, Chairman of the Davidson County Republican Party. Today she issued the following statement:

Over the course of this campaign season, Steve Gill, on his radio show, has done nothing but trash our Davidson County Republican Candidates and our congresswoman we share with Williamson Co. This morning's October, 9th radio show was the straw that broke the camel's back.

As chair of the DCRP, I cannot in good conscience, justify promoting an event with Steve Gill.

I will be looking for an alternate venue to celebrate our Davidson County victories on November 2nd. I was looking forward to being with the Haslam Campaign and the Tennessee Republican Party.

Kathleen Starnes
Davidson County Republican Party

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