Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Tennessee Conservatives Fund makes liberals go nuts!

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Dear Friend,
Today the Tennessee Conservatives Fund was featured on the front page of The Tennessean and the liberals who read the article online went nuts. I encourage you to read the article and, if you have the stomach for it, the responses. Below is an excerpt.
Tea Party In Tennessee Gives Late Boost To Candidates
A group of tea party activists from around the state is banding together to try to extend their influence as candidates approach the finish line in next month's elections.
line-up of leaders from several tea party groups, including organizations based in the Nashville, Memphis and Chattanooga areas, has endorsed a slate of challengers for state and federal offices. The group also has formed a political action committee, Tennessee Conservatives Fund, and named an outgoing state lawmaker to raise funds for tea party candidates.
The activities are meant to give tea party candidates a boost in the waning days of the campaign and lay the foundation for a more active Tennessee tea party movement in future elections.
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Our activities are clearly making a bunch of anti-liberty, big government activists very agitated, and that's exactly as we like it. We are fighting to restore our Constitutional form of government and the eternal principles of liberty.
Rep. Susan Lynn
Rep. Susan Lynn, Chairman

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