Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Tim Lee Campaign to City Paper: You Lie.

Mr. George,

I am the campaign manager for Timothy Lee who is running to be the House Representative for District 55. Today I read the endorsements that you made in the City Paper (http://nashvillecitypaper.com/content/city-voices/voter-s-guide-city-paper-endorsements).

Your endorsement of Gary Odom comes as a surprise - not because you threw your weight behind a 22-year incumbent but because you out-right lie about how this decision was made.

"After candidate interviews and deliberation, decisions were made..." Really? When did these interviews take place? Tim was not interviewed nor was any interest expressed to learn more about him. Based on what you wrote in your own editorial section you have lied.

If you claim that you have not lied, then please, tell me something about Tim that is not listed on his website. Something that would indicate you took the time and patience to speak with the very person who is putting his name and personal finances on the line in order to be elected to public office.

I would like to know the following:

- What source did you reference to learn more about Tim Lee and thus decide to NOT endorse him?
- When was the last time you actually spoke with Tim?
- You have 22-years of voting history to judge Odom, what information about Tim did you use to create a level and unbiased playing field on which to choose your endorsement?

If you cannot provide this then please admit in a follow-up piece that you have not actually spoken with the candidate.

You have every right to make any endorsement you wish. The issue is in the betrayal of your own audience's desire to read an honest publication. This is something you have failed to provide. Please call so we can discuss.


Matthew Nemeth
Campaign Manager
Committee to Elect Timothy Lee

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  1. I post on these boards and chose to remain anonymous due to fact you can not protect yourself from the media.

    I have had the good fortune to sit down with Tim Lee, one on one. I listened to him speak and more importantly, he listened to my concerns and gave honest feedback. I wish I could say that I agree with him 100 percent but that would not be truthful. I can say that I agree with his position 100 percent more than I do with Mr. Odom!

    You have allowed this site to become a site that allows comments that borderline on slander. I would like to think that by being disgruntled, you have tired of such antics from both parties, guess not....

  2. I post on these boards and chose to remain anonymous due to fact you can not protect yourself from the media.

    I have had the good fortune to sit down with Tim Lee, one on one. I listened to him speak and more importantly, he listened to my concerns and gave honest feedback. I wish I could say that I agree with him 100 percent but that would not be truthful. I can say that I agree with his position 100 percent more than I do with Mr. Odom!

    You have allowed this site to become a site that allows comments that borderline on slander. I would like to think that by being disgruntled, you have tired of such antics from both parties, guess not....

  3. So it would appear that you will post no comments that may disagree with your opinion.....It is YOUR toy and you can play with like you wish. Now grow up or get out of the playground if you can't stand a little critique by fellow partymembers!
