Saturday, January 23, 2010

Who should give the GOP response to Obama’s State of the Union address?

By Michelle Malkin • January 19, 2010 05:53 PM (link)

President Obama will deliver his State of the Union address on January 27 at 9pm Eastern before a joint session of Congress. I think it’s obvious who should deliver the response for Republicans: Scott Brown.

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Former Senator Rick Santorum calls for Scott Brown to give Repub Response

Former Senator Rick Santorum posted on Twitter that Scott Brown should give the GOP’s televised response to President Barack Obama’s State of the Union address.

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Who should deliver the Republican response to Obama's "State of the Union" address?

The Party has announced Virginia Governor Bob McDonnel will deliver the Republican Response to the State of the Union. This is a mistake! I have never heard McDonnel give a speech. I have heard Scott Brown. Brown has stopped the Obama juggernaut. Don't snatch defeat from the jaws of victory. Brown is the superhero of the moment. He has created a new buzz and excitement. The smartest thing the party could do is have Scott Brown deliver the Republican response. People might actually stay tuned and watch it. The Party should announce a change in plans, McDonnel should graciously accept the change and Brown should give the speech! Please vote in the poll posted to the left.

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Friday, January 22, 2010

It's time to put Howard Dean back in charge

Sometime I find myself in complete agreement with the left. Surprised? The left wants Obama to hold to a firm left wing position and so do I. The left wants Howard Dean back as Chairman of the DNC. So do I. I am convinced that the more radical the other side appears, the better our side looks. I am convinced that America is a nation of pragmatic people who favor individual liberty. We are basically a center-right nation.

I am reprinting a Daily Kos article in which the author advocates the return of Howard Dean as chair of the DNC. I want to help the left move the Democrats to the left. I want to help the left drive all moderates out of the Democrat party. I want to help the left bring back Howard Dean.

Warning, this article contains liberal use of blasphemy and the "F" word and an occasional use of the "S" word. Quite frankly, I really am not terribly offended by colorful language but I wanted to give you more sensitive souls a warning.

I think it is important to know how the other side thinks, so I am reprinting this as a public service. Read this and you will see the contempt in which they hold those with opposing views. You will see how illiberal liberals really are. Are these people with which we can find common ground? Just as many libs have never actually watched Fox news or listened to Rush Limbaugh, many on the right have never actually read a MoveOn or Daily Kos post.

Remember, I read Daily Kos and MoveOn so you won't have to.

by jhawklefty
Share this on Twitter - It's time to put Howard Dean back in charge Tue Jan 19, 2010 at 06:32:20 PM PST
This'll be a short diary, but I'm about to scream right now and have to vent. Howard Dean is a winner. He understands exactly what the average Democrat stands for and votes for. He also understands exactly how disgusting the right-wing and the Republican Party are. He's not afraid to spread the truth about the right, and if that truth happens to hurt a few wittle wight-wing feewings, well, TOO FUCKING BAD.

jhawklefty's diary :: ::
What we have now are people that are afraid of their own shadows, let alone the Goddamn Republicans. The WH and the asswipes in the Senate have been deathly afraid of offending these certifiable nutcases. I just saw Richard Wolffe saying that the WH is planning on going balls to the wall this year and is, in effect, done with putting up with the attacks from the right. A little problem there: TOO. FUCKING. LATE. We just LOST a Senate seat in Massachusetts. We couldn't get shit done with 60 votes in the Senate, what makes you think anything will be done now with 59? The bubble around the WH has made the Democratic Party unbelievably weak. Like, losing a senate seat in Massachusetts weak. Wolffe also said that the WH was "surprised" about the party discipline from the GD Republicans. ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME? SURPRISED? I've lived in Kansas my entire life and I could've told you on the night of Obama's win exactly how the right and the GOP were going to play this. These morons get paid how much and have direct access to the President and they were fucking surprised? Jesus! Watching five minutes of politics would tell a person living in complete isolation in fucking Siberia who and what the Republicans are and how they roll. Christ on a crouton.

After Wolffe, the good Dr. came on. Said people are upset with the kind of change they're seeing, that it's not the change they voted for. That they didn't vote for an insurance industry-written bill. That they didn't vote for sweetheart deals with Wall Street. And that there are "a lot of Democrats who aren't sure if they're Democrats." I'm sorry, this guy is more of a leader than the empty suit in the WH. Get Kaine's sorry ass out of there and put Dean back in. He knows what we're up against and knows how to win.

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“Eggs & Bacon Summit”


“Eggs & Bacon Summit”

(Dutch treat)

A meeting to strategize, organize & unify

Sponsored by the Davidson County Republican Party

Saturday, January 23rd, 8:30 a.m.

Shoney’s Restaurant, 546 Donelson Pike (Airport Exit)

Guest Speaker:

Metro Councilman Jim Gotto

Special guest: Councilman Eric Crafton,
Former Councilman: Rod Williams and
Area Precinct Coordinator: Karen Boswell

Please join us! Help us make a difference.

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Thursday, January 21, 2010

Please help persuade the Republican leadership to have Scott Brown deliver the Republican response

Dear Bloggers and Activist,

Please help persuade the Republican leadership to have Scott Brown deliver the Republican response to the President’s State of the Union address. Most of the time, the opposition party’s response gets little attention and generates less enthusiasm. Scott Brown’s election was a heavy blow to the Obama revolution. Scott Brown delivering the State of the Union address could be a good follow up punch. I don’t know of anyone who could create more enthusiasm for the Party than Brown.

I don’t always trust the Republican leadership to do the smart or right thing. Some of it is ideology, but I suspect most of it is simply ineptitude. In the case of Scott Brown, I would not be surprised if some Republicans with fragile egos and ambition do not feel threatened by the new guy. If the Republicans are smart they will let Scott Brown deliver the Republican response. If he gives the speech, the announcement that he is going to give it will be news, the speech will be watched, the speech will be news, and the follow up commentary and analysis will be news. If the Republicans are smart Scott Brown will give the speech.

Sometimes work and life and a new computer that won’t work interfere with my blogging. I don’t have time to do what I want to do today. Please someone, start an i-petition and a Facebook “cause” to persuade the party to have Scott Brown give the Republican response to the State of the Union. Talk it up on political chat groups and e-blast your list and email and call the local conservative radio talk shows! Scott Brown needs to give the response.

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Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Scott Brown should give the Republican Response to State of the Unon.

President Obama is scheduled to give the State of the Union address on January 27th. When the President gives his state of the union address the opposition party is always given a chance to respond. Usually, no matter who gives it, the opposition party's response gets little attention and does not generate much excitement. Last year Bobby Jindal of Louisiana gave the Republican response. He was supposed to be a raising star in the party. I thought he bombed. I was not impressed. I have watched Scott Brown give campaign speeches and I watched his victory speech last night. He is a great speaker. He has charisma. He is attractive. He can give a great speech. And, he just won a tremendous victory against all odds. He has derailed the Obama revolution. Scott Brown should give the Republican response!

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We, the American People, call on Senator-Elect Scott Brown to be seated immediately, and that openness and transparency be brought to the debate over healthcare reform and all other issues before Congress.

The voters in Massachusetts have spoken. By a comfortable margin of 7% they have elected Scott Brown to the U.S. Senate. Democrat leaders such as Harry Reid have floated the idea of dragging their feet in seating Scott Brown - with the hopes that they can ram through their awful healthcare bill before Brown can be seated.

We reject any and all attempts to delay the certification of this election and call for the immediate seating of Scott Brown in the U.S. Senate!

Pleae sign the petition, "Seat Scott Brown in the U.S. Senate"

Please add your signature. It's free and takes just a few seconds of your time.

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If you have a Facebook account, please join this cause: SEAT SCOTT BROWN IMMEDIATELY

We demand that newly elected Massachusetts Senator Scott Brown be seated and sworn-in to the United States Senate immediately.No delays by Massachusetts democratic party, Harry Reid, lawyers or shady organizations such as ACORN will be acceptable.

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Tuesday, January 19, 2010

We Won! We Won! We Won!

Scott Brown takes Massachusetts!

I don’t know when I have been more excited about a candidate winning an election. Probably not since Reagan was elected President. I feel like we have taken our country back. If we can win in Massachusetts we can win anywhere! I know there is still a long way to go but President Obama put his prestige on the line and lost. Obama made this a referendum on his presidency. He lost. The writing is on the wall. We will retake our country.

I was doing some phone bank volunteer work tonight at the state Party headquarters for a local Republican organizing effort and was working with about fifteen other Republicans. When the AP called the election for Scott Brown, the room broke into spontaneous applause and cheers. It was a great place to be to witness this victory. This win in Massachusetts changes the political landscape. We have a right to be energized and excited. We not only won, we won by a sizable majority.

The Democrats will try to rationalize this lost. They are already saying Coakley did not work hard enough and ran a lack luster campaign. That is all true, but Massachusetts is a state with a three to one Democratic Party majority. Ted Kennedy had held this seat for 47 years. If there was any safe seat for a Democrat, this was it. There is no way to rationalize this loss. It was a referendum on Obama’s presidency and Obama’s policies were repudiated.

The Democrats may still ram through Obamacare but it will be at their own peril. If they delay allowing Brown to take his seat, the public disgust with the Democrats and their backroom deals and crooked politics will only grow. The tide has turned. The Obama revolution is over.

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Monday, January 18, 2010

Harry Reid's light skinned American with no Negro dialect comic book

Harry Reid cartoon

Harry Reid cartoon

Harry Reid cartoon

Harry Reid cartoon

Harry Reid cartoon
Harry Reid cartoon
Harry Reid cartoon

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