Saturday, September 18, 2010

The West Nashville 'Eggs and Bacon Summit' was not cancelled!

If you attempted to attend the West Nashville Egg and Bacon Summit today featuring David Hall candidate for 5th Congressional District, Dr. Steve Dickerson candidate for State Senate District 21, and Timothy Lee candidate for House District 55 and were turned away, we apologize.

When group leader Matt Nemeth arrived for the meeting this morning, Shoneys staff was surprised we were having the meeting. Someone had called Shoneys the day before and said the meeting was canceled. It was not. Luckily the room was still available and the meeting went on as planned. Several people had arrived early and were told the meeting had been canceled and they left. We don't know how many people were turned away.

Matt had not canceled the meeting and neither had I nor anyone else associated with the group. Shoneys management did not know who had made the call. We can only assume this was a dirty trick of the opposition. Despite this attempt to sabotage the meeting, about twenty people attended.

Matt explained to Shoneys management that only he was authorized to cancel or reschedule a meeting. This should not happen again. The West Nashville Republican group meets the third Saturday of every month at the Shoneys on White Bridge Road with breakfast at 8:30 and the meeting starting at 9AM.

To stay informed about the meetings of the West Nashville Republican breakfast club or one of the other monthly Republican breakfast groups, visit the DCRP website.

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Friday, September 17, 2010

Bobbie Patray at Antioch-Priest Lake Pastry and Politics Sept 18th.

Saturday September 18
Antioch-Priest Lake “Pastry 'n Politics Summit”

8:30 pastry, coffee and networking
9 AM Program
The Spirit of Life Church 3646 Murfreesboro Road

Special guest will be Bobbie Patray, State President of Tennessee Eagle Forum. Bobbie has been a lobbyists for Eagle Forum for over twenty years and is extremely knowledgeable of issue facing Tennessee.

Eagle Forum's Mission is to enable conservative and pro-family men and women to participate in the process of self-government and public-policy making so that America will continue to be a land of individual liberty, respect for family integrity, public and private virtue, and private enterprise. Ms. Patray will be speaking on the work of Eagle Forum and important issues facing the State Legislature.

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Meet David Hall, Steve Dickerson and Tim Lee

September 18, 2010 Saturday
“West Nashville Eggs & Bacon Summits”
Dutch treat breakfast 8:30 am, meeting 9 am.
Shoney’s, White Bridge Road
Nashville, TN

Speakers: Republican Candidates:

David Hall
Candidate for 5th Congressional District

Dr. Steve Dickerson
Candidate for State Senate District 21

Timothy Lee
Candidate for House District 55

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Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Corker Warns of Looming Debt Crisis

Says First Step in Tackling Should Be a Cap on Spending
Over the Senate’s recess, Senator Corker visited 26 Tennessee counties and delivered a sobering, 18-slide presentation about the unsustainable federal spending habits that are driving our country into dangerous levels of debt. He is working on legislation to cap spending at a sustainable level, force Congress to make tough choices and incentivize economic growth.

"There is absolutely no construct for fiscal discipline at the federal level. If we do not change the path we are on and dramatically reduce our level of spending in relation to our country's gross domestic product, I believe we are in danger of becoming the first generation of Americans to leave our country in worse shape than we found it," Corker said. "We need to change the conversation, and I think that means focusing on the big picture first. The gnashing of teeth about tax policy and spending cuts will come, but that's page three, four and five. Page one is agreeing on the amount of spending we can sustain as a country."

I urge you to watch this fact-filled 23 minute video. It may be a little boring and it will depress you, but you need to watch it. It will challenge you to think about how we can began to address the debt crisis that will destroy our country if don't get a handle on it. In this sobering, 18-slide presentation, Corker uses charts and graphs to illustrate Washington’s spending trends and mounting debt.

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Charles Williamson Comments on Opponent’s Ethical Challenges

Candidate offers hope to Tennesseans
Nashville, TN (August 10, 2010) --- Charles Williamson has been inundated with requests for comments on recent news items regarding perceived ethical challenges in the office of his opponent, House Democratic Caucus Chairman, Mike Turner. The conservative Williamson is challenging Turner for the District 51 House seat.

“I’m just not interested in dwelling on those things,” the professional geologist and bison rancher says. “Certainly, I want elected officials to conduct themselves with integrity, but my focus right now is on the people and the issues that really affect my neighbors in the years ahead.”

While touring the new Davidson County Republican Party headquarters, Williamson noted that this election year marks a critical turning point in the future of the state and country.

“I hear the same thing from people over and over. Government has been headed in the wrong direction and we need to turn it around,” Williamson says. “Fortunately, Tennesseans have several excellent choices this year to elect real citizens and experienced business people to lead us toward a stronger Tennessee. It’s time to oust the same old professional politicians.”

Williamson, who raises buffalo on his ranch in Davidson County, has hope for Tennessee’s future and likens the spirit of Tennesseans to the legendary animal.

“Buffalo have been around for millions of years,” he says. “They are survivors who have helped shape our landscape and culture. People respond to that kind of spirit because people, too, are resilient and determined. I see it every day as I meet the good folks in my district.” The candidate firmly believes in a strong future for Tennessee, despite the stormy economy.

“Like the buffalo, we will turn our faces boldly into the wind,” Williamson says. “We will weather the storm and we will see brighter days. And that’s no bull!”

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