Monday, February 14, 2011


The following is from Family Action Council. Please help defeat this bill. Rod

Metro Council for Nashville and Davidson County is set to vote this coming Tuesday, February 15th on an ordinance that would impose homosexual and gender identity (e.g. cross-dressing) personnel policies on businesses. If you don't live in Davidson County, this ordinance still affects you, so please keep reading.
Right now, if we don't begin to speak up, it appears they have the votes to pass it on second reading!  This ordinance, bad on a number of levels, needs to be defeated on second reading. We cannot risk what might happen on the third and final vote in two weeks. 
We have been working hard behind the scenes with business groups who are opposed, but so far they are not willing, as a group, to risk the ire of either politicians or the homosexual community.  

The bottom line is that a lot of folks are scared to be opposed to this for fear it will hurt their businesses.  Only a courageous few have stood up publicly.  So it looks like "we the people," the everyday people, will have to speak up. 

This issue raised by Metro's ordinance is not just about government approval of homosexual conduct or gender-related conduct.  Whatever one thinks about this issue, the fact is that the ordinance will impose additional requirements on businesses that will impede business growth, job creation, and intrastate commerce.  Businesses from around the state that want to bid on contracts being let by Metro for goods and services will have to choose between the economic opportunity these bid opportunities represent and controlling their own personnel policies.  These government-imposed personnel policies create a number of issues for businesses that can drive up their costs of doing business, costs that, in this case, will be passed on to taxpayers.  And to the extent that some businesses decide not to bid because of the increased regulation, the decrease in competition will also result in higher prices that will be passed on to taxpayers.  Our economy simply can't endure more government intrusion.  For more information about how Metro's ordinance will affect business and taxpayers, click here.

Please take a minute to email your Council member, or all of them if you can take the time, with this simple message:  "Please vote no on Ordinance BL2011-838."  Email addresses are listed below or if you want to email them through the City Council website, you can go to
this link.

Thank you,

David Fowler, Esq.
Family Action of Tennessee, Inc.                                        

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