Friday, February 25, 2011

Stand with Scott Walker

Help send the following message to the Wisconsin Senate and to Governor Scott Walker:

Union dues should be voluntary, and the state should not be in the business of collecting them. Union certification should require a secret ballot. Collective bargaining should not be used to force extravagant pension and health benefits that cripple state budgets.

These common-sense reforms have made the union bosses desperate to disrupt Wisconsin government and overturn an election. They must not be allowed to succeed. In fact, every state should adopt Governor Scott Walker's common sense reforms.

The above petition can be found at Stand with Scott Walker, a project of American for Prosperity. I signed it.

To hear liberal pundits you would think Republican were abolishing the 40-hour work week, child labor laws and instituting slave labor. Here's what Governor Walker's Budget Repair Bill that actually does:

  • Ask government workers to pay half the cost of their pensions - still less than private employees pay for their pensions
  • Ask government workers to pay 12% of their own health insurance premiums - the national average for the private sector is over 20%
  • End collective bargaining for government unions for pensions and benefits.  Allow bargaining only for raises that are less than inflation.
  • End forced union dues, collected by the state.  Union dues would become voluntary.
  • Union members get to vote yearly on whether to keep their union. 
It is time to stand up to union leaders and restore sanity and fiscal responsibility to government. 

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