Monday, February 14, 2011

West Nashville Summit featuring Michael Craddock and Kathleen Starnes

Rise and Shine
for the
West Nashville Eggs and Bacon Summit
with Special Guest
 Michael Craddock
speaking on his candidacy for Mayor, The State Fairgrounds, and important Issues facing Metro Government.

Michael is a two-term council member representing the 4th Councilmanic District. He has been a proponent of fiscal responsibility, private property rights and responsive government. He is expected to soon officially announce his candidacy for mayor.

Followed by 
Kathleen Starnes, Chairman of the Davidson County Republican Party
Speaking on "Inside the Republican Party" or "Everything you always wanted to know about the Republican Party were too embarrassed to ask."

History of the DCRP ~ Recent growth and success of the Party ~ Who governs the DCRP ~ Who makes up the Executive Committee ~ Who makes up the Tennessee Republican Party Executive Committee ~ How one gets elected to the DCRP ~ How one gets elected to the Tennessee Republican Party Executive Committee ~ Is one required to be a big contributor to qualify to serve on the TRP EC~ How does one get to be a delegate to the National Republican Party ~ What does it cost to become a delegate to the National Republican Party ~ Reflections on the 5th Congressional District race ~ Controversy and Conflicts in the Party ~ the upcoming Caucus ~ the upcoming Convention.  
This is your chance to learn and to ask the hard questions

Meeting at 
365 White Bridge Pike, Nashville
Saturday, February 19th
Fellowship, Dutch Treat Breakfast 8:30 AM, meeting 9:00 AM
Moderator: Matt Nemeth

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