Thursday, March 03, 2011

a big reason to vote against Democrat candidate Ken Wilber and for Kerry Roberts

In the State Senate District 18 race there are not only reasons to vote for Republican candidate Kerry Roberts but a big reason to vote against Democrat candidate Ken Wilber.

NASHVILLE, TN – The City of Portland submitted their annual financial audit just yesterday, despite the fact that the fiscal year ended on June 30th of last year. The audit exposes poor financial management by Portland Mayor Ken Wilber, who is also a candidate in the special election for State Senate in District 18.
The independent audit indicated that “the City’s sales tax was higher than ever” during the economic downturn. The audit also shows that the City’s total debt outstanding at the end of the fiscal year was $14,751,000 with an increase of $482,000 from the previous fiscal year.

“This audit shows Mr. Wilber does not have the ability to serve as mayor, much less state senator. Our state’s economy is too fragile to risk putting it in the hands of Ken Wilber. That’s why this special election is so important,” said Tennessee Republican Party Chairman Chris Devaney.

“Ken Wilber is hoping that Republicans stay at home and not vote. That’s part of the reason why we think it took Mayor Wilber so long to submit this audit- because he didn’t want voters to know how bad his financial management really is,” continued Devaney.

Just last year, News Channel 5 in Nashville reported that the City of Portland illegally moved over $1.3 million from a utility fund to the general fund in order to make up for their budget shortfall. According to the news report, “The state said the fiscal offense is serious enough to begin ouster proceedings against the mayor…”

Ken Wilber is running against Republican Kerry Roberts. Roberts has been endorsed by Governor Bill Haslam, Lt. Governor Ron Ramsey, Rep. Diane Black and Rep. Marsha Blackburn, among others.
Early voting ends this Thursday and Election Day is Tuesday, March 8th.

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