Thursday, March 03, 2011

Great things are happening in the Davidson County Republican Party!

Great things are happening in the Davidson County Republican Party! This Saturday the Party will transform from a top-down organization into a grassroots organization. The party will be holding it's biennial party caucus. Actually it will be holding thirty-five separate caucuses, one for each of Metro Nashville's thirty-five council districts. The caucuses will occur at the same place and at the same time but are in fact thirty-five separate meetings.

At the district caucuses, each caucus will elect delegates who later in the month will attend the County Convention which will then elect members of the Davidson County Republican Executive Committee. This occurs every two years, so why is this year different?

First of all, in the past each caucus elected a District Caucus chairman whose job it was to oversee the business of the caucus that day. After that, the District Caucus Chairman had no job to do. The District Caucus Chairman, may or may not stay active in the Party, but he or she was never called upon to do anything and had no job description. This year the District Caucus Chairman is expected to become an active cog in the wheel of the party. Below is the job description for District Caucus Chairman:

The District Committee Chairman shall be elected at the biennial caucus convention and serve until the next caucus.

Duties of the District Chairman shall include but not be limited to conducting the caucus meeting, organizing Republicans within his District, identifying and recruiting poll watchers, poll workers, precinct captains, campaign poll workers, and Councilmanic candidates within his Councilmanic District.

The District Chairman shall work closely with the Regional Vice Chairman for his region to communicate ideals, position and events to residents of his District. The District Chairman shall assist the Regional Vice Chairman in starting and maintaining Republican groups within his district.

Should the District Committee Chairman be unable to perform his duties or move out of his district he will report his resignation to the Regional Vice Chairman.
As you can see, the District Caucus Chairman will be expected to organize his district. How this plays out in reality depends on how hard the District Caucus Chairman wants to work at the job, but the District Chairman has the potential to become a very important person in his District. It is my hope that people only accept the District Chair position if they intend to be active year-round. It is my hope that members of each caucus will give serious thought to whom they elect. These position have the potential to groom the leaders and candidates of the Party in future years.

The other thing that has the potential to transform the Party is the new makeup of the Executive Committee. In addition to Chair, Vice Chair, Treasurer, and Secretary and a couple other positions making up the Executive Committee, there have been "at-large" members of the Executive Committee and three Regional Vice Chairman. This is changing also.

The position of At-large Member is being abolished and there will now be seven Regional Vice Chairman. Each Regional Vice Chair will be responsible for seven council district and will be responsible for working with the District Chairman in their region to build the party. The Regional Vice Chairs have actual job description similar to that of the District Chair above except they are responsible for seven councilmanic districts. They are expected to work with the District Chairmen to create a real organization in their region. In my view, the Regional Vice Chair's may be the most important positions on the Executive Committee. They are in a position to create a powerful organization in their regions.

At one time you could fit active Davidson County Republicans in a large phone booth or a VW beetle. The last two years have shown tremendous growth for the Party. The success of the annual Picnic, the Reagan Day Dinner, the creation of the Chairman's circle, the creation of the mailing list and a website, the establishment of the various Republican Breakfast Groups, the opening of a Party Headquarters, the first Republican primary in something like thirty years, and most of all the election of Jim Gotto to the State House in what had been a Democratic legislative district are great achievements. Now the Party is poised to create a genuine grassroots Party. There is no reason Republicans cannot take half the Courthouse seats. There is no reason a Republican cannot win the Fifth Congressional District! I am excited.

If you have ever complained about the Davidson County Republican Party, if you have ever wanted to get involved, if you want to advance the Republican cause, this is the time to do something about it. NOW IS THE TIME FOR ALL GOOD MEN TO COME TO THE AID OF THEIR PARTY.

Please plan on attending the Party district caucuses this Saturday. The caucuses convene promptly at 9AM and should be over no later than 10:30AM. For those who plan to attend the Education Reform rally at the capitol building at 11AM, you will be out in time to do so. Please attend and help transform and build our Party.

The Davidson County Republican Party
will convene the 35 Councilmanic District Caucuses

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Doors open 8:15AM, Caucus Convenes 9AM


Millennium Maxwell House Hotel

2025 Rosa L. Parks Blvd.

Nashville, TN

Attendees shall be expected to present a valid Voter Id card to vote in the caucus.

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