Monday, March 21, 2011

Nashville Schools Test for Radon After 20-Year Delay

Twenty years ago while serving in the Metro Council I led a campaign to require Metro to test schools for radon and bring schools with excessive levels of radon into compliance. The bill I sponsored passed and was signed into laws by the Mayor, but now I discover that the law was conveniently forgotten and never enforced.

Radon is a deadly orderless, colorless gas that is the second leading cause of lung cancer in America. It is much more deadly than second-hand cigarette smoke. Devloping children are at greater risk than adults. The Nashville region has much higher levels of radon than most regions of the nation due to the composition of our shale.

It is my view, that since children are forced to be in school, the government has an obligation to provide a healthy environment for them.  I am outraged to discover that twenty years later, we are still exposing our kids lung cancer in unsafe buildings.

Chanel 5 news is reopening this story. I am interviewed in future segments of this story. 

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