Monday, March 21, 2011

Report from West Nashville Summit: "Like" our Facebook Page

by Matt Nemeth

Thanks again to everyone who attended our meeting Saturday. We were pleased to see Ted Welch at our event! He has always been kind and gracious and certainly showed that to us again. We thank him for all that he has done for Republican causes!

Eric Golub was our speaker who came all the way from Los Angeles to speak to us. He is the author of numerous books including Ideological Bigotry. A self described Jewish conservative comedian, Eric spoke about the current state of our nation in an informative manner which mixes fact with humor. He certainly provides a unique perspective on our state of affairs and is not shy in his disposition.

You can read the wonderful writing at Eric's blog here:

Also, as I announced, we are trying to expand our communication capabilities for the breakfast summit. To do so I have created a Facebook page. Please click here and press the "Like" button. Let's try to get the number of Likes as high as we can get!

Again, thank you for your time and your involvement in local politics. I look forward to seeing everyone next month!

Take Care,
Matt Nemeth

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