Saturday, March 05, 2011

Tea vs TEA: Dueling rallies

Tea party leader Ken Marrero addresses the education reform rally,
while anti-tax activist Ben Cunningham looks on.

Today in Nashville, hundreds of pro-union demonstrators from across the state marched in the rain through downtown Nashville and then rallied in Legislative Plaza. They were rallying to show solidarity with the Tennessee Education Associations and protest pending legislation that would restrict union tenure and end collective bargaining for public sector teachers.

Meanwhile, a pro education reform rally took place on the east steps of the capitol on the hill above the plaza. The unionist rally probably outnumbered the Tea Party education reform rally by about three to one. The union sponsored rally had bussed people in from across Tennessee and included members of the machinist union, pipefitters and various other unions.   

It is doubtful either rally had much impact since the legislators are not in town on Saturday. Both rallies featured speeches, signs, and sing-alongs. I participated in the Tea Party education reform rally and observed the unionist parade and rally from the sidewalk and the hill above the Plaza. Here are pictures from both rallies.

The TEA Party Pro Union Rally


The Tea Party Education Reform Rally

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