Monday, March 14, 2011

West Nashville Summit presents Eric Golub

Rise and Shine
for the
West Nashville Eggs and Bacon Summit
with Special Guest
Eric Golub
Eric Golub is Brooklyn born, Long Island raised, and has lived in Los Angeles since 1990. He received his Bachelors degree from the University of Judaism, and his MBA from USC.

He has been a stockbrokerage professional since 1994. He began blogging on March 11th, 2007.  He blogs about politics, football and other human-interest items. His blog, the Tygrrrr Express, won the 2007 Bloggers Choice Awards for most passionate fan base. He also blogs at Andrew Brietbart's Big Hollywood. in April of 2009 he published the book "Ideological Bigotry." It is endorsed on the back cover by Ward Connerly and Armstrong Williams.

He speaks around the country to various chapters of the Republican Women’s Federated, Republican Jewish Coalition, Young Republicans, College Republicans, and other GOP groups. He has done events with everyone from Michele Bachmann to Michael Steele.

Eric wants you to all to know that if he ever says anything that offends you in any way, you probably deserved it.
Meeting at 
365 White Bridge Pike, Nashville
Saturday, March 19
Fellowship, Dutch Treat Breakfast 8:30 AM, meeting 9:00 AM
Moderator: Matt Nemeth

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