Saturday, April 09, 2011

Becca Wins 2nd Place in Cheapest or the Cheap awards

My sweet and lovely niece Rebecca Mooradian won second place in the Cheapest of the Cheap Awards 2011, awarded by The Tennessean's "Miss Cheap," Mary Hance.

I have been known as a frugal person myself because there was a time in my life when I had to be. I still love a bargain and admire frugality. Rebecca is a gal after my own heart!  Below are pictures and text from The Tennessean web page.

The article doesn't tell the full story. The dress has been professionally cleaned and Jonathan Moody's mom,  Rossie Moody, who is a talented seamstress altered the dress to fit. Rebecca will be as lovely as any bride in a $6000 dress.

Second Place, $499.99: Rebecca Mooradian, Nashville and Sewanee -- Rebecca, who is planning her June wedding to her childhood sweetheart, Jonathan Moody, will wear a dress that she bought at a yard sale when she was 10 years old -- for a quarter. "The man who sold it to me seemed a little embittered and I actually think he said something along the lines of 'Good riddance' as he handed the dress to me. Throughout school I wore it as a costume for Halloween parties and for stage performances,"’ says Rebecca, a senior at the University of the South at Sewanee who’s majoring in French and English.

Rebecca and her mother are also buying stemware and china for half off at Goodwill to use as they self-cater the wedding, which is being held in Abbo's Alley on the Sewanee campus. "We couldn't stand the idea of using disposable plates, and on average we are spending 40-60 cents per plate and even less for the stemware (which, she adds, is less than renting china, which starts at about $1 per plate). After the wedding, we plan on having an enormous yard sale to make back some of the money we spent."

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