Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Nashville Limo Price-fixing : Bokhari v. Nashville Press Conference

"These regulations were written by the city's most expensive limousine companies for the city's most expensive limousine companies."

"They were designed to put the affordable competition out of business."

"Customers, not government, should pick winners and losers in the transportation industry."

"This case is a sad example of the city using public power for private gain."

"I came in this county because it is the land of opportunity and freedom. All I need is to be left alone to pursue my American dream."

"There is a bourgeois elite in the limo business that believe that only the very rich should be able to afford limousine service."

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1 comment:

  1. HAHA! A disgruntled Republican! Step into Mr. Bokhari's office and you will see a life size photo of President Obama.
