Monday, May 23, 2011

Council Candidate Ken Jakes files complaint against Fair Board

Ken Jakes
Ken Jakes, who is running for the Metro Council for an at-large seat, has filed a formal complaint with the Metro Attorney calling for the removal of Katy Varney as chairman of the Fair Board. Ken Jakes, is a long-time political activist and has previously taken legal actions against the city and forced changes in city policies in other unrelated matters.  Ken has a record of challenging city wrong-doings and winning.  A formal complaint filed by Ken Jakes will most likely not be ignored. I am enclosing an email which Ken wrote the Metro Attorney which explains the basis of his complaint. I have removed the email addresses of Ken and Sue Cain, but am otherwise posting in full as written.

From: "Ken Jakes"
To: "sue cain"
Sent: Saturday, May 21, 2011 7:17:45 PM
Subject: Formal complaint

Ms.Cain, please except this email as a formal complaint by a tax paying / registered voter of Nashville and Davidson County, that you as the attorney of Davidson County start proceedings for the removal of Katy Varney as chairman of the Fair Board. Please review :

 In a report by Channel 4.
 Rose told Channel 4 that he believed Varney was aware that there were only 100,000 paid admissions last year. He said he presented his numbers to Varney the night before the May 3 meeting during a negotiating session.
"We disclosed how we came up with our numbers and what we felt like was workable for us," Rose said.

Asked again if Varney had heard the 100,000 figure the night before the board meeting, Rose said, "I think she knew. I think she knew that."

Varney said she didn't know.

"I find that very curious," she said. "We did not."
I am filing this complaint because,in the words of Mr.Rose it confirms my complaint, ( Mr. Rose words, "the night before the May 3 meeting during a negotiating session." )

My complaint that you take actions is pursuant to the State of Tennessee Sunshine Law.

Tennessee's Sunshine Law
"The General Assembly hereby declares it to be the policy of this State that the formation of public policy and decisions is public business and shall not be conducted in secret."
                                  Title 8, Chapter 44
                                (T.C.A. 8-44-101-201)

Further in my complaint, There were three bids for the 2011 State Fair with Mr.Rose's group being the lowest bid submitted. His group did not have as much financial backing or experience yet they were offered to submit a new bid proposal while all the while having private / close door negotiations.

The people of our City just went through serious issues with the fair Board. The position of chairman has just recently been filled. It is my personal opinion that shenanigans have already started again.

Please take action on my behalf and all the citizens of Davidson County who believe that government should be OPEN TO THE PUBLIC,

Ken Jakes.  

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