Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Maggart Still Prefers Collective Bargaining Ban

 May 10, 2011
Despite her recent move to revert to a weaker version of a ban on collective bargaining among Tennessee teachers, she said she'd still prefer to fully ban collective bargaining.

Tennessee State Sen. Jack Johnson, R-Franklin, says a plan to ban collective bargaining among teachers may have 50 votes in the House, but if it doesn't it, the two chambers may have to hash their differences out.

House Reverts to Scaled Back Collective Bargaining Plan

by Andrea Zelinski on May 11, 2011
House Republicans are, for now, sticking with a bill that limits labor union influence in teacher contract negotiations with local school boards.
But even though House Bill 130 doesn’t entirely eliminate formal collective bargaining, Democrats suspect that’s the direction things are headed once the bill reaches the House floor.
A House Education Committee voted 11-6 Tuesday to advance a measure that restricts the issues teachers’ unions can haggle with school districts over. The unions could negotiate issues such as pay, benefits and working conditions but could not bargain over issues including merit pay — for example, when teachers get paid extra to work at troubled schools.(link)

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