Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Ken Jakes wins Firefighters endorsement

The Nashville firefighters union, IAFF Local 140, has released their list of endorsements for the upcoming Council election and they have endorsed Ken Jakes. While many firemen are conservative, the Union usually tends to favor candidates who would be inclined to support higher taxes. Except for Ken Jakes and a couple other incumbents who may be considered conservative, most on the list are the more liberal candidates. For weeks now, at-large candidate Ken Jakes has been visiting fire halls meeting with firemen. He told me he had visited every fire hall in the county and listened to the concerns of the firemen and asked for their support. It appears to have paid off. This should be a big boost for Jakes. The firefighters are one of the most dependable voting blocks in the city. Firemen and their families vote.

Congratulation Ken Jakes!

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