Saturday, July 09, 2011

The 2011 Davidson County Republican Party Picnic

Kathleen Starnes
The Davidson County Republican Party picnic was today at the Centennial Park Pavilion in Centennial Park. About 150 to 200 people attended. Ninety-six cast votes in the straw poll, but not everyone took part in the voting. We had Whitts pork barbecue with beans and cold slaw and ice cream and cake. Several organizations and candidates had booths. The weather was pleasant and it was not too hot for this time of year. Kathleen Starnes, Chairman of the DCRP served as master of ceremonies for the program.

Tootie Haskins, recipient of the very first Governor Winfied Dunn Leadership Award (2009) presents the award to this years recipient Senator Jack Johnson

Winners of the Governor Winfiedl Dunn Leadership award, left to right: Rod Williams  (2010), Tootie Haskins (2009) Senator Jack Johnson (2011)

Congressman Marsha Blackburn delivers the Keynote address. She spoke about the debt crisis and the fact that China and OPEC owns a large share of America's debt and the importance of getting our spending under control and reducing the US debt.
Karen Bennett
Sheri Weiner
Several candidates for Metro Council in the upcoming August 4th Metro General Election were introduced and briefly addressed the gathering and were warmly received. Unfortunately, my skills as a photographer are not the best and most of the photos did not produce well enough to post (very bright outside the pavilion, I should have used a flash). So, while I don't have pictures to prove it I assure you they were there. It is heartening to see so many Metro Council candidates seek votes at a Republican gathering. Among the candidates was Dave Patterson, District 4; Sherri Weiner, District 22; Josh Stites, District 13; Bob Ries, District 19; Davette Blablock, District 27; Isaac Okoreeh-Baah, District 29, Tonya Jones, District 35; James Kaminski, District 25; Karen Bennett, District 8; Robert Duvall, District 33; Duane Dominy, District 28; and At-large candidates Renard Francois, Ken Jakes, Eric Crafton and Charlie Tygert. I know there were a couple or three other council member candidate there but I did not take notes and am not sure who they were. If I missed mentioning your name, I apologize.
Gail and Peter Voysey man the Green Hills Breakfast group booth.

In the Presidential straw poll the results were as follows:
Bob Corker 1 (write-in vote)
Donald Trump 1 (write-in vote)
Marsha Blackburn 2 (write-in votes)
Rick Santorum 2
Newt Gingrich 4
Jon Huntsman 6
Ron Paul 7
Tim Pawlenty 8
Herman Cain 17
Mit Romney 19
Michele Bachmann 29.

The poll asked, if Sara Palin or Rick Perry got in the race would you change your vote and vote for one of these candidates. Sara Palin got ten votes and Rick Perry got an amazing 39 votes, making him the winner and he is not even a candidate. 

There was also a question asking if you support keeping the fairgrounds. 83 people voted yes and 7 people voted no.

Former candidates chat. Steve Dickerson, former Republican candidates for State Senate District 21 chats with Jeff Hartline, former Republican primary candidate for the US 5th Congressional District. Jeff was manning a booth for the Tennessee Freedom Coalition, an organization of which he is the Director.

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