Saturday, July 09, 2011

Teacher Union (MNEA) Endorses Candidates for August 4th Election

The Metropolitan Nashville Education Association has issued its endorsement for the August 4th Metro General Election. With only a few exceptions, highlighted in Red below, this is a list of people not to vote for.

I am pleased to see that in District 33 they failed to endorse anyone. Robert Duvall, one of the really good councilmen, is in a very tough battle in that district. Of course, I wish they would have endorsed Robert, but I did not expect it.  At least they did not endorse any of his several opponents. This is a plus for Robert.

In District 29, I am surprised that they failed to endorse Karen Johnson. Karen is a former member of the School Board. In the Spring, when the unionist flocked to Nashville for a big rally to oppose education reform, Karen marched with the teacher union to support their cause. You would think in gratitude they would have endorsed Karen. Who did she make mad?

Here is the list:

Mayor: Karl Dean

Vice Mayor: Diane Neighbors

At-Large:  Megan Barry

               Sam Coleman

               Jerry Maynard

               Ronnie Steine
               Vivian Wilhoite

District 1: Lonnel Matthews, Jr.

District 2: Frank Harrison

District 3: Walter Hunt

District 4: Brady Banks

District 5: Scott Davis

District 6: Peter Westerholm

District 7: Anthony Davis

District 8: Nancy VanReece

District 9: Bill Pridemore

District 10: No Recommendation
District 11: Darren Jernigan

District 12: Steve Glover

District 13: Marilyn Robinson

District 14: Bruce Stanley

District 15: No Recommendation

District 16: Anna Page

District 17: Sandra Moore

District 18: David Glasgow

District 19: Erica Gilmore

District 20: Buddy Baker

District 21: Edith Langster

District 22: Seanna Brandmeir

District 23: Emily Evans

District 24: Jason Holleman

District 25: Sean McGuire

District 26: Chris Harmon

District 27: No Recommendation

District 28: Tanaka Vercher

District 29: No Recommendation

District 30: No Recommendation

District 31: Fabian Bedne

District 32: Jacobia Dowell

District 33: No Recommendation

District 34: Carter Todd

District 35: Bo Mitchell

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