Thursday, August 11, 2011

The Muslims are Coming! Comedy Tour

Update: Despite several attempts, I never did get a reply to my RSVP request for tickets to the free show but showed up anyway and was able to attend. Yes, the venue did serve alcohol. Other than some of the comedy being about Muslim stereotyping and the experience of growing up Muslim in America, the comedy was not much different from any other contemporary stand-up comedy. The comics were vulgar, profane, and sacrilegious just like most other comics.  I had some good laughs and generally enjoyed the show, but to tell you the truth, I don’t really care that much for stand-up comedy. 

The room was full with people standing and sitting on the floor. We were lucky. Louella and I were standing against a wall and a hostess came and got us and set us at a table which had previously been reserved. We had some of the best seats in the house. 

I was surprised at the diversity of the crowd with people form several different Muslim countries in attendance.

"The Muslims are Coming!" stand up comedy show, featuring some of today's top Muslim-American comedians, is heading out on its first ever tour. And after winding their way through the South, the comics will be stopping in Nashville, TN on August 14 for a night of ridiculous, free laughs!
Sunday, August 14th, 2011 - 8:00pm - Mercy Lounge
RSVP by email to 

I am planning on going. I wonder if they will be serving adult beverages? I hope so. Stand up comics are much, much funnier after a couple drinks. If I can't have my adult beverage, I probably won't stay long. I would bet they will serve alcohol. I will do an update and let you know.

Muslims are supposed to be teetotalers, you know,  just like Baptist are supposed to be teetotalers, but how will Mercy's Lounge make any money if it is a dry event? Anyway, times are changing; just like Baptist, Muslims will speak to each other in the liquor store. Just like there are a lot of secular Baptist, there are a lot of secular Muslims. (You know why Baptist don't have sex standing up don't you? Somebody might think they are dancing.)

This is a free event. Who is footing the bill? That is the big question. That is what I want to know. Probably the Muslim Brotherhood. Is this part of the plot to get us to put our guard down so they can impose Sharia Law while we are laughing? Those damn Muslims are sneaky: First they get a good Muslim girl to pose as a busty, scantily-clad, curvaceous hot babe to win the Miss USA Pageant, and now comedy! There is no level to which those sneaky bastards will not stoop!

I have requested my free tickets and if I get them, I am going to go. I know those in The-Only-good-Muslim-is-a-Dead-Muslim movement are not going to go, but to those who are not part of that movement, come on out, if you can still get tickets. This might be fun. There may be more to Muslims than the stereotype. If Blacks and gays can be funny, why not Muslims?

These Muslim comics were recently interviewed by the Scene and they seem to be a fairly secular bunch of Muslims. You probably won't be beheaded if you go. Here is a couple excepts from The Scene:
Asked how religious he is, Obeidallah replies, "On a scale of what? Zero to jihadist?" He explains that he identifies as both a Muslim American and Christian American — his father was born in the 1930s in Palestine, and his mother is an Italian-American and practicing Catholic. The family celebrated both Christmas and Ramadan. "I didn't find that to be inconsistent," he says. "In Islam, Jesus is a prophet." Furthermore, Obeidallah says that he is like a typical secular person of any religion, as was his father.
Farsad, who is of Persian descent, also describes herself as secular. "We asked the comedians on the tour to rate themselves on a scale from 1 to Muslim," she says. "I'd definitely be at the '1' end. I grew up culturally Muslim, but I don't think about the religious strictures that often, or ever."
I know those in The-Only-good-Muslim-is-a-Dead-Muslim movement do not believe there is any such a thing as a secular Muslim, but I tend to think there are, just as there are secular Catholics, Jews and Baptist. A lot of people have an identity with there faith but don't take it all that seriously. Anyway, if you can still get a free ticket, Go! See if Muslims can be funny.

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