Thursday, September 01, 2011

The Federal Raid on Gibson Guitar

by James M. Kaminski – A lifelong Nashvillian, James has spent time working for Senator Bob Corker and Governor Bill Haslam. He currently works in the healthcare field and remains active in local politics.
On August 24th, about 20 federal agents armed with high-powered weapons raided the Gibson Guitar factories in Nashville and Memphis. This marks the second time in two years the Department of Justice has raided Gibson Guitar as they continue their unfounded witch hunt for allegedly illegal wood. Gibson has presented proof of the wood’s legality, however, and no formal charges have been filed and yet the government has refused to return confiscated inventory totaling well over one million dollars. This wood is the same wood used by Fender, Taylor, and C.F. Martin.

In my opinion, Gibson is being targeted for their decision to operate in  right-to-work states. Also, they may have selected Gibson due to certain Republican political donations made by the C.E.O. and other employees. Gibson’s competitors use a mainly unionized workforce, and have been found to have major Democrat donors.

I wish I knew exactly why our government is targeting a reputable and historic American manufacturer that provides many jobs here in Tennessee. Instead of promoting job creation and economic growth, our government is ignoring pressing issues and using ambiguous laws to stifle domestic manufacturing. Please email your representatives!
Here are some links to interesting articles on this matter:

CEO of Gibson Guitar a Republican donor:Democrat competitor uses same wood
Federal Raid on Gibson Guitars – Retaliatory Harassment?\ Obama is killing American jobs 
Gibson Guitar to Uncle Sam – “From my cold deadhands” 

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