Monday, September 19, 2011

Report from West Nashville Summit: Rod Williams, United Way, and Neighbood Resource Center


Well, if you missed Saturday's West Nashville Eggs and Bacon Summit then you missed a very heated debate.  Joe Kirkpatrick and Rod Williams were our guests. 

Joe came to talk about his radio show on 880 AM which airs Monday through Friday from 8-10am.  He is passionate and well educated about both local and national politics.  Tune into his show to hear him along with former Representative Terry Lynn.  Joe provided a very interesting perspective on democracy and the media.

Rod spoke in depth about a recent blog post he made regarding the United Way and their funding of the Neighborhood Resource Center.   Through his investigative work Rod feels that the NRC is a front-group for political activities.  He provided an interesting perspective.

The debate began when members of both the United Way and NRC showed up to debate the blog post that Rod made.  Both sides presented very compelling evidence to their cases.  The debate at one point became very heated yet, in the interest of democracy, remained civil.  Anyone who was there learned a great deal about all parties involved and are better off for this.  It also goes to show how even when two groups disagree, they can do so in a very respectful manner even when emotions run high.

I certainly hope to see you next month.  If you have any suggestions for speakers coming up, feel free to send them to my attention.  Have a great week!


Matt Nemeth

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