Sunday, October 09, 2011

The Rally to Support Gibson Guitar

Ben Cunningham addresses the crowd from the Gibson Stage
Several hundred people gathered today in the parking lot of the Scoreboard bar for a rousing rally to support Gibson Guitar. With a large parking lot and a milling crowd it is hard to estimate the number, but I would guess it to be about 400. People were there from other parts of the state as well as neighboring states. It was also a very diverse group of people with everyone from religious right activist to bikers, musicians, libertarian and a variety  of tea party activist and Republican leaders.

The weather was perfect for being in a big parking lot mid-afternoon with no shade. The fact that you could drink beer at this rally made it one of the more fun political rallies I have attended in a while. I enjoyed visiting the various booths at the event and learning of the different causes people were supporting and learning about the organizations represented.

We heard rousing speeches from Ben Cunningham, a long-time anti income-tax activist, and radio talk show hosts Phil Valentine and Steve Gill and a speech by Congressman Marsha Blackburn and comments from Henry Juszkiewicz, Chairman and CEO of Gibson Guitar Corp. Ken Marrero, blogger at Blue Collar Muse, performed MC duties.  The speeches were interspersed with some good music. Husband and wife duo called the Rivoli Revue, who had a You Tube blockbuster with the song Press One For English, debuted a new song for the occasion which was a tribute to the Gibson guitar.

Henry Juszkiewicz,
Chairman and CEO of Gibson Guitar Corp
Patriotic Hard Rock Band "Madison Rising" performed a set.  I really liked the song, "When Regan Ruled."
Here is Channel 5's report of the rally.
Here is The Tennessean's coverage including some video.

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  1. I believe they are accused of breaking the Lacey Act. The Feds supposedly had enough evidence to obtain a Search Warrant. They executed the Search Warrant. Now the Feds have to prove it in court. The Lacey act is an act of Congress and Gibson is accused of breaking US law.
    I think the WHOLE Lacey Act should be repealed. But I think that people that break the law should be held accountable.
    Obey the law or break it and accept the consequences. Change the law if you don't like it.
    The Feds should protect our freedoms and liberties, but the Feds should NOT be able to choose which laws to enforce. They are bound by the constitution to enforce All Laws.
    Change the law.
    Repeal the Lacey Act!

    Marsha Blackburn voted to override veto of bill behind Gibson raid

  2. Well, Marsha Blackman wants to bring jobs to Tennessee by accepting nuclear waste from Europe. She's also a rabid climate change denier.

    No surprise she's on the side of Gibson and any other environmental terrorists with deep pockets.

    Gibson is on the wrong side of this. They look really bad. They just keep throwing gasoline on the fire and digging a deeper hole for themselves.
