Sunday, November 27, 2011

Attention Tourist: Free "Occupy" Camping in Downtown Nashville. Important update

Attention Tourist
Free Camping in Downtown Nashville

Have you wanted to visit Music City but been short of cash. There is a lot of cheap or free stuff to do in Nashville.

The biggest expense of a Nashville vacation is lodging. 

The Priceline price of a night in the Courtyard by Marriot or the Downtown Hilton is $169 a night! With sales tax and the Hotel-motel tax totaling 17.25% plus $2.50 per room per night additional tax, the real cost of lodging is over $200 a night!

You could stay at a Motel 6 or other cheap motel about 30 miles from downtown, but by the time you add the taxes, you will still be spending $50 a night. And, who wants to be miles out of town?

Governor Bill Haslam
Now, for a limited time only 
Camp free in downtown Nashville

The Governor has stated that he will not evict campers from this  prime public downtown space . Consider this a personal invitation from the Governor to come camp out in Nashville. 

Free: yes absolutely free! No hotel-motel tax, no camping fee, no liability insurance required.
Beautiful site: The camp site is the War Memorial Plaza in the shadow of Nashville's beautiful State Capital building, adjacent to the War Memorial Building, across the street from the Tennessee Museum and the Performing arts center. Be lulled to sleep by the sounds of the bubbling Plaza fountains.

Great Location: This camping site has the same advantages of the downtown hotels. Three blocks from Nashville's famed "lower Broadway." Visit the honkytonks of Nashville and walk back to your lodging site. No driving. Avoid the risk of a DWI. Also close to art galleries, restaurants, museums and historical sites.

Free Entertainment: There is free entertainment nightly on the Plaza. Occupy Nashville will be providing musical entertainment. This being Nashville, even our Occupy has talented musicians. In the absents of other musicians, there is always drumming. Also, storytelling, poetry and chanting.

Mild Temperatures: It is not cold yet! Tonight the temperature will only drop to 59 degrees, tomorrow the low is only 62. Mild temperatures usually prevail until late December.

Free Food: The Occupy group is offering free food and coffee. You may want to take at least part of your meals complements of Occupy.

Important update: Free Electrical Hook-up! I don't know why the State is giving away free electricity to campers on the Plaza but they are as revealed in this article.

Don't put it off, 
we do not know how much longer before the public demands and end to this policy of free camping on the War Memorial Plaza.

Options:  If you prefer camping on grass instead of marble, you may try camping in the nearby beautiful Bicentennial Mall with it's beautiful monuments, fountains, flowers, grass and trees. This park has not been officially designated as a place for free camping like the Plaza, but the same logic should apply. Also, you can drive right up to the camping areas and have your car nearby for out-of-the-trunk camping or you could park a pop-up camper or RV. To insure you are left alone and that you get the same free camping rights as the Plaza campers, just put a sign on your tent, pop-up, or RV that reads, "we are part of the 99%."

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  1. What a weak little man.Our Governor that is.

  2. I wonder what the profits from $29,000,000,000,000 in fractional reserve banking over the course of 3 years looks like (yeah-we were told $800 billion over 1 year).

    Why is that people who actually understand finance, trade and economics aren't camping? Oh that's right... they are sitting at home watching nation-states around the world and our economy imploding while blaming those who point out the emperor stole our clothes.

    How many educated Republicans or Democrats do you know who have even written letters to representatives? I find it sad when those who are demanding accountability are made out to be stupid, lazy, anti-capitalist criminals. Seems to me the anti-capitalist criminals are the participants in the defrauding of the public and those protecting them while vilifying the victims.
