Sunday, November 06, 2011

Cain, Gingrich Debate Lincoln-Douglas Style

If you were watching football and missed the Gingrich-Cain debate, you missed a great debate. Well, let us say a great discussion; there was not a lot of disagreement between the candidates. Still, it was a great event and revealed a lot about the candidates.

My view of the debate is that Gingrich won.  He is far more qualified to be President than Cain. Not, that Cain is not as qualified as was Obama when he took office or maybe any number of other Presidents. Should Cain end up being the Republican nominee and then win the Presidency, I am confident that his values and instincts are right and he could surround himself with brilliant people to carry out the right policies. Gingrich on the other hand is brilliant! He is an intellectual. He has thought issues through. He has the knowledge and ability to lead us through the treacherous days a head. 

This was an excellent format.  Letting the candidates have free range to ask each other questions and to respond and have back and forth is much more revealing about the qualifications of a candidate than ten people on a stage trying to avoid the pit-falls of a "gotcha" question. My only criticism of the debate was the sound quality. You can understand them, but the poor sound quality is a distraction. Gingrich had the advantage in that his hand-held microphone provided a clearer sound quality than whatever they were using for Cain

I have not been excited about any of our candidates.  I have yet to jump on any band wagon. I have not contributed to any of them.  My favorites were Bob Corker, Mitch Daniels and Chris Cristi but none of them ran. For a short while I liked Bachmann, then when Perry came on the scene, I liked Perry for about a week. I was then leaning toward Cain.  I am now prepared to say I am supporting Newt Gingrich. I am going to send a donation.

My dream ticket would be a Gingrich-Cain ticket.

The information below is from the C-span web site.  Follow the link below, then under "video play list," click "Cain, Gingrich Debate."

Cain, Gingrich Debate Lincoln-Douglas Style
Washington, DC
Saturday, November 5, 2011
GOP presidential candidates Herman Cain and Newt Gingrich engage in a 90 minute debate hosted by the Texas Patriots PAC. There is no moderator and the two candidates discuss and respond to each other’s positions on domestic policy in The Woodlands, TX.

 The debate is divided into three parts, with each part focusing on one entitlement program – Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security.

 In previous media-moderated debates, Gingrich said repeatedly that should he be the GOP nominee, he would challenge President Obama to Lincoln-Douglas style debates.

 Cain has risen in the polls recently with his 9-9-9 tax plan, but the media has focused this week on two previous settlements with women alleging he sexual harassed them while he lead the National Restaurant Association. The topic will not be discussed at the debate.

 The Lincoln-Douglas debates were a series of three-hour debates between Abraham Lincoln and Stephen Douglas during the 1858 Illinois Senate race. In the format, one candidate would start with a 60 minute statement, and his opponent would get 90 minutes to respond.  The first speaker then got a 30 minute rebuttal. The two candidates took turns speaking first.

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  1. Wow, you are ready to support Gingrich and Cain.
    I really think they are a good pair but I like Perry Gingrich too. I haven't thrown Perry under the bus yet.
    I'll see how tomorrows debate goes. We have a President that is capable of communicating in an eloquent impressive way and how is that working for us. Perry has made a few bad decisions but has apologized for them. No one running has a perfect record and I know from my friends in Texas that Perry really really wants limited government. He is a real conservative.
    Like you I would be happy with Cain in the position of VP. As you can see, I am still not sure who I will support in the end, but I would be happy with any of them (with the exception of Romney) rather than Obama. I really believe Obama would eat Romney’s lunch.

  2. Wow, you are ready to support Gingrich and Cain.
    I really think they are a good pair but I like Perry Gingrich too. I haven't thrown Perry under the bus yet.
    I'll see how tomorrows debate goes. We have a President that is capable of communicating in an eloquent impressive way and how is that working for us. Perry has made a few bad decisions but has apologized for them. No one running has a perfect record and I know from my friends in Texas that Perry really really wants limited government. He is a real conservative.
    Like you I would be happy with Cain in the position of VP. As you can see, I am still not sure who I will support in the end, but I would be happy with any of them (with the exception of Romney) rather than Obama. I really believe Obama would eat Romney’s lunch.
