Monday, November 07, 2011

Lynda Jones lobbies the District Google Group for Judgeship Support

Candidate for General Session Judge Lynda Jones is lobbing the members of the 17th District Google Group asking them to urge their council member to support her candidacy.  The following was received today on the District 17 Google Group.

Dear neighbors and friends,
   I am reaching out to you because I have followed your list serve for
years. I love the historic character of District 17 and have numerous
friends on this list serve.
I am Lynda Jones and I am being considered for appointment by the Metro
council to replace Judge Ruben who passed away last month.
You can learn about my professional credentials at, or my website at
I chaired the General Sessions court committee for the Nashville Bar
Association where I rewrote the local rules of practice.
Please contact Sandra Moore if you would like to see someone on the bench
who knows your community.
Please feel free to call me if you have any questions.
Warm Regards,

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