Saturday, February 26, 2011

DCRP supports end to public school collective bargaining

On February 22, the Executive Committee of the Davidson County Republican Party passed a resolution supporting Senate Bill 113 which would prohibit collective bargaining between teacher unions and local school boards. Below is the text of the resolution:
WHEREAS it is the goal of the Republican Party to increase freedom, reduce government and improve efficiency of the limited but needed services government provides.
WHEREAS recent events in Wisconsin have demonstrated the danger of unchecked power by public employee unions.
WHEREAS Tennessee faces a budget deficit exceeding one billion dollars.
WHEREAS union support for liberal candidates in the legislature has led to increases in pay, benefits and retirement for members of the Tennessee Education Association that hinder the ability of government to seek cost effective reforms that put students first.
WHEREAS the TEA is designed around the organizing principle of maintaining union power rather than seeking the input of individual teachers to promote the best methods to educate children.
WHEREAS local school boards should have the freedom to refuse to negotiate with unions if they feel it is in the best interest of the student.
WHEREAS Tennessee’s teachers are compelled to join the TEA regardless of their agreement with established union policies and positions.
BE IT THEREFORE RESOLVED that the Davidson County Republican Party commends the Tennessee Senate Education Committee for passage of Senate Bill 113, dissolving mandatory collective bargaining in Tennessee’s public school systems.
BE IT FURTHER RESOVLED that the Davidson County Republican Party endorses and strongly urges passage of the House companion bill, HB130, in its current form.
BE IT FURTHER RESOVLED that the Davidson County Republican Party expresses gratitude to Senator Jack Johnson and Representative Debra Maggart for their efforts in improving education in Tennessee.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Executive Committee of the Davidson County Republican Party directs the Chairman to transmit this statement of support to Lieutenant Governor Ron Ramsey, Speaker Beth Harwell and the leadership of the House and Senate Education Committees.

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Friday, February 25, 2011

Stand with Scott Walker

Help send the following message to the Wisconsin Senate and to Governor Scott Walker:

Union dues should be voluntary, and the state should not be in the business of collecting them. Union certification should require a secret ballot. Collective bargaining should not be used to force extravagant pension and health benefits that cripple state budgets.

These common-sense reforms have made the union bosses desperate to disrupt Wisconsin government and overturn an election. They must not be allowed to succeed. In fact, every state should adopt Governor Scott Walker's common sense reforms.

The above petition can be found at Stand with Scott Walker, a project of American for Prosperity. I signed it.

To hear liberal pundits you would think Republican were abolishing the 40-hour work week, child labor laws and instituting slave labor. Here's what Governor Walker's Budget Repair Bill that actually does:

  • Ask government workers to pay half the cost of their pensions - still less than private employees pay for their pensions
  • Ask government workers to pay 12% of their own health insurance premiums - the national average for the private sector is over 20%
  • End collective bargaining for government unions for pensions and benefits.  Allow bargaining only for raises that are less than inflation.
  • End forced union dues, collected by the state.  Union dues would become voluntary.
  • Union members get to vote yearly on whether to keep their union. 
It is time to stand up to union leaders and restore sanity and fiscal responsibility to government. 

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Thursday, February 24, 2011

update: Like Scott Walker?

As of 4:53PM Feb 24th, these were the Newsmax poll results:
Yes, 171436(93%)  No,11389(6%)

I wholeheartedly support Governor Walker's attempt to curtail the power of public sector employee's unions. I received the following from Newsmax and responded. If you don't mind giving away your email address, please vote in this poll. Rod
Dear Reader:, one of America's leading online news services, is conducting an urgent national online poll about Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker's fight with his state's public employees unions.
The outcome of this battle has implications for many other states, the federal government, President Obama and even the 2012 elections.
Vote Here Now
Newsmax will provide the results of this poll to major media outlets. Newsmax's results also will be shared with popular radio talk-show hosts across America.
Newsmax reports have been cited by major media outlets, including CNN, ABC News, Fox News, CBS, MSNBC, and other major networks.
Don't miss this opportunity to let your voice be heard!
Many media outlets and national leaders are interested in your opinion. Hundreds of media outlets have reported on Newsmax's online polls.
Vote today — Go Here Now!
P.S. The major media claims that Scott Walker is trying to destroy the unions. This is a lie. It is urgent Americans vote in this poll. Once you have taken it, please share the poll with as many friends and family as possible. Time is critical. Please Vote Here Now!

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Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Green HIlls Breakfast Summit Special Guest David Lillard

Rise & Shine, Join Your Fellow GOP’ers


      Saturday, February 26, 2011
Swett’s – Green Hills – 2209 Abbott Martin Rd
 Breakfast begins at 8:15 am ($8.75 cash, no credit cards)
Meeting begins at 9 am (sharp)







Kathleen Starnes, 
Chairman of the Davidson County Republican Party

Speaking on "Inside the Republican Party" or "Everything you always wanted to know about the Republican Party but were too embarrassed to ask."

Event Chairmen – Peter and Gail Voysey
Kathleen Starnes, DCRP Chair
Rod Williams, DCRP Summit Coordinator

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Monday, February 21, 2011

ACT NOW! Abolish Teacher's Union Ability to Negotiate

I am reposting below a portion of an Eagle Forum email news alert. No one does a better job than Eagle Forum in keeping conservatives informed of what is going on at the state legislature. I recommend you sign up for the Eagle Forum emails. click HERE to Register. 

We have a great opportunity to curtail the power of the teachers union and achieve real education reform. Please let your legislators know you support this bill. Rest assured the Teachers Union is putting pressure on legislators everywhere to oppose this bill.

SB 0113 by *Johnson ( *HB 0130 by *Maggart)
As introduced, abolishes teachers' unions ability to negotiate terms and conditions of professional service with local boards of education.
STATUS:  The Senate bill will now go to the Senate floor. While it has not been assigned a floor day, it is NOT too early to begin contacting your Senator urging his or her support. You can be sure that opponents will be lobbying this very hard.  The House companion has not yet been scheduled for a hearing.
ACTION:  Please go
HERE to send an email of support to your State Senator.

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Sunday, February 20, 2011

what is wrong with teacher tenure

I am often critical of The Tennessean for their superficial and biased reporting. Today, I commend The Tennessean and writer Julie Hubbard for an excellent report that illustrates what is wrong with teacher tenure. Below is an excerpt.

Seven years after reports surfaced about a Hendersonville High biology teacher having inappropriate interactions with students and using school computers to surf porn, he was working as a district janitor and collecting his $52,000-a-year teaching paycheck.(link)

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