Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Dr. Zuhdi Jasser, the King hearing and a love for America and a love of Islam

While I have been a critic of those who would deny first amendment rights to followers of the Muslim faith and while I think that some of the “creeping Sharia” alarmist are paranoid nuts when they warn us about the danger of Sharia complaint credit cards and Muslim-only cemeteries and gender segregated swimming pools, I nevertheless do think that radicalization of American Muslims is a serious concern worthy of Congressional hearings.

There have been 161 terrorist acts or attempted terrorist acts by American Muslims since 9-11 in this country. In Europe the failure of Muslim minorities to assimilate and the degree of Muslim radicalization is worse than in America.The threat of radical Islam may be the biggest threat to America and the world in the 21st century.   To ignore this problem is just foolish. To pretend that radicalism of all types should be lumped together and it is somehow un-American to explore the problem of Muslim radicalization is just stupid as far as I am concerned. That attitude is political correctness that can put us in danger. It is fitting that Muslim radicalization be investigated to understand why it is occurring and what can be done about it.

Nevertheless, I was somewhat fearful that Representative King's hearing would turn into a witch hunt and a platform for bigotry. Seeing some of our own local anti-Muslim activist make unfounded allegation about Muslims and seeing pandering politicians wonder aloud if the First Amendment really applies to Muslim, I was fearful these same type people would be giving a platform to spread the same message of hate and fear.

This past weekend I watched hours of the King hearings on C-Span. I was pleased. I was pleased to see other Muslims express concern about radicalization in their community and see the family of a youth who had committed a terrorist act testify about the danger of radicalization. Instead of these hearings spreading bigotry, I think they may provide insight and understanding.

I was especially pleased to see patriotic Muslim Americans advocate separation of Mosque and State and proclaim a love for America and a love of Islam. I was most impressed by the testimony of Dr. Zuhdi Jasser of the American Islamic Forum for Democracy. Above is a portion of his testimony.

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Monday, March 14, 2011

West Nashville Summit presents Eric Golub

Rise and Shine
for the
West Nashville Eggs and Bacon Summit
with Special Guest
Eric Golub
Eric Golub is Brooklyn born, Long Island raised, and has lived in Los Angeles since 1990. He received his Bachelors degree from the University of Judaism, and his MBA from USC.

He has been a stockbrokerage professional since 1994. He began blogging on March 11th, 2007.  He blogs about politics, football and other human-interest items. His blog, the Tygrrrr Express, won the 2007 Bloggers Choice Awards for most passionate fan base. He also blogs at Andrew Brietbart's Big Hollywood. in April of 2009 he published the book "Ideological Bigotry." It is endorsed on the back cover by Ward Connerly and Armstrong Williams.

He speaks around the country to various chapters of the Republican Women’s Federated, Republican Jewish Coalition, Young Republicans, College Republicans, and other GOP groups. He has done events with everyone from Michele Bachmann to Michael Steele.

Eric wants you to all to know that if he ever says anything that offends you in any way, you probably deserved it.
Meeting at 
365 White Bridge Pike, Nashville
Saturday, March 19
Fellowship, Dutch Treat Breakfast 8:30 AM, meeting 9:00 AM
Moderator: Matt Nemeth

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Glen Casada to be Guest at Southeast Davidson Co. Breakfast Summit

Rise and Shine
for the
Southeast Davidson Co Breakfast Summit
(also know as the Priest Lake Pastry and Politics)
with special guest
Glen Casada
State Representative Glen Casada has served in the State Legislature since 2001. In 2007, Rep. Casada was elected as Chairman of the House Republican Caucus making him the ranking Republican in the State Legislature. He was a leader in the effort to defeat a State income tax and has championed many conservative causes in the House.

Glen will be speaking on issues facing the State Legislature.

Councilman Robert Duvall moderating 

Saturday, March 19th, 2011
Fellowship, Pastry and Coffee 8:30 AM, meeting 9:00 AM
Southeast Davidson County Breakfast Summit
Meets at
The Spirit of Life Church
 3646 Murfreesboro Pike
Antioch, TN

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