Friday, May 06, 2011

Thoughts on the code name "Geronimo" for Osama bin Laden

Some Native Americans and sensitive NPR-listener types and politically correct liberal moralizers and MSNBC fans are appalled at the U.S.military's use of the code name "Geronimo" for Osama bin Laden during the raid that killed the al-Qaida leader. After bin Laden was killed, the military sent a message back to the White House: "Geronimo EKIA." EKIA stand for "enemy killed in action." The use of the code name "Geronimo" may offend some, but I don't care. I am just glad they killed the evil bastard. God bless our military, the CIA, and the United States of America.

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Thoughts on the extra-judicial execution of an unarmed man

Navy Seals and the CIA went into Pakistan, violating that nations sovereignty, and committed an extra-judicial execution of an unarmed man and I don't care. I am just glad they killed the evil bastard. God bless our military, the CIA, and the United States of America.

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Thursday, May 05, 2011

Islamic Center of Murfreesboro Welcomes Justice

The Islamic Center of Murfreesboro joins in with all Americans in expressing our thanks to President Obama and the couragous members of our armed forces in this great success in our fight against terrorism. The ICM feels that a great justice has taken place. Both the ICM and the Muslims of Murfreesboro will remain vigilant in our stand against radicals of any kind and any act that results in the death of innocent people here in the US and around the globe.

We pray that God bless this great country of ours and that God ease the pain of those who lost loved ones and have suffered in this fight.(link)

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We share the joy and sense of relief with the nation that this evil person met his end.

The Islamic Center of Nashville (ICN) congratulates the US government and our neighbors on the death of Osama Bin Ladin, a terrorist who was responsible for the death of several thousand innocent lives. We commend our forces that conducted a successful raid that brought justice to this murderer. We share the joy and sense of relief with the nation that this evil person met his end. We again reiterate that we denounce the act that killed American-Muslims and Non Muslims. We appreciate President Obama that US is not at war with Islam and Osama Bin Ladin did not represent Islam.

We hope the death of terrorist AlQaeda leader Osama Bin Ladin will lead to a decrease in the number of innocent civilian deaths worldwide. The violent actions of Bin Ladin and his followers violated basic Islamic teachings and resulted directly or indirectly in the deaths of many innocent lives.

ICN endorsed the fatwa (religious ruling), against terrorism and religious extremism issued by the Fiqh Council of North America (FCNA) and endorsed by hundreds of U.S. Muslim groups, leaders and institutions. The fatwa stated in part:

“Islam strictly condemns religious extremism and the use of violence against innocent lives. There is no justification in Islam for extremism or terrorism. Targeting civilians’ life and property through suicide bombings or any other method of attack is haram - or forbidden - and those who commit these barbaric acts are criminals, not martyrs.”

Amir Arain, M.D.
Director, Public Relations
Islamic Center of Nashville (link)

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Wednesday, May 04, 2011

There should be a very hot place in Hell ...

There should be a very hot place in Hell reserved for anyone who could steal her Alzheimer’s-afflicted mother’s money and buy herself a new swimming pool, toys, and rental properties.  Anyone who could do that is a heartless evil bitch.  

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Tuesday, May 03, 2011

It is not 72's a 72 year old virgin.

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Murfressboro Mosque Leaders Speaks About Bin Laden's Death

Watch the Video.
"We don't celebrate the death of any human being, but in this case, I believe justice has been served," said Saleh Sbenaty of the Islamic Center of Nashville.

"We were hoping he would be captured alive because we need to know more about al-Qaida and his collaborators so we can dismantle this terrorist organization," Sbenaty said.

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Bill to end union contracts passes Senate

The Tennessee General Assembly
Lieutenant Governor Ron Ramsey
Bill to end union contracts passes Senate

  Measure increases collaboration between local school boards and teachers
(Nashville) – Lt. Governor Ron Ramsey (R – Blountville) emphasized his ongoing support for Senate Bill 113, a crucial piece of education reform legislation sponsored by Sen. Jack Johnson (R-Franklin) which passed on the floor of the Senate last night by a vote of 18 to 14.

The bill cleared the Senate committee system two times after being amended to make explicit the increased collaboration the bill fosters between teachers and their local school boards.

“Union contracts have hamstrung our local school boards for too long,” said Lt. Governor Ramsey. “More than a year ago our state raced to the top and planted our flag as a beacon for education reform in the nation -- but our journey is not over.”

“In 1978 the General Assembly gave a monopoly to one government union and allowed that union to strangle the hope of education reform in this state,” said Sen. Jack Johnson. “This bill rectifies that mistake and gives power back to locally-elected school boards and teachers. The passage of this measure is necessary if we mean to continue on the path of education reform we have embarked upon.”

“We have a historic opportunity to make this session of the General Assembly a landmark for the cause of reform. This bill creates a collaborative environment between teachers and their local board which will ultimately result in putting a quality teacher in every classroom.”

“This bill has been debated extensively and amended effectively,” Lt. Governor Ramsey continued. “I’m proud of the Senate for passing this measure and I trust the state House will follow suit.”

The bill as amended will end long term union contracts that local governments and taxpayers cannot afford and provides for a policy manual that would outline how every local school board will set policies on salaries, wages, benefits, including insurance and retirement benefits, leaves of absence, student discipline procedures and working conditions for teachers.

The companion House bill sponsored by Rep. Debra Maggart (R-Hendersonville) is currently awaiting action in the House Finance, Ways and Means Committee.

Comment: I am proud of Lt.  Governor Ramsey, Senator Johnson and Rep. Maggart and our Republican State legislators. Elections do have consequences.  

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