Saturday, July 02, 2011

Who is Running for Metro Council

Who is running for Metro Council? Here is the complete list.

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Friday, July 01, 2011

John Lennon was a closet Republican

John Lennon may have grown up before he died. According to Fred Seaman who was John Lennon's last personal assistant, Lennon was a closet Republican, an admirer of Ronald Reagan, and was embarrassed by his former radicalism at the time of his death. I don't know if it is true or not and really don't care; I just wanted to give some old Beatles-loving hippie leftist a bad day. Read more.

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Die-hard Democrat? Don't take your children to July 4th parades 'or they'll turn into Republicans'

June 30, 20110, Daily Mail, By David Gardner

Die-hard Democrats may want to keep their children well away from July 4th parades, according to a new Harvard study.

Researchers at the university claim youngsters who attend the patriotic events are much more likely to grow up as Republicans.

And it's not just children - the study also claims that adults are more likely to vote for a GOP candidate on election day if they go to one of the parades. Read more

Comment: The researchers seem surprised by their findings. I am not surprised at all. I still get goose bumps when I hear a good performance of  The Star Sparkled Banner. I love Sousa marches and patriotic music. I honor the sacrifice of those who fought and died for our country. I am not embarrassed to say I believe in American exceptionalism. I really believe our rights are God-given and not grants from the government. I mean it when I recite the Pledge of Allegiance.

I don't think liberals really feel the same way I do. I don't think most liberals really love our country.  Not all liberals by any means, but in general, I think liberals are somewhat embarrassed by displays of patriotism. I don't think it was always this way.  I think World War II era Democrats were probably as patriotic as Republicans. Democrats of the baby-boom generation forward and especially those who graduated from the typical American university with a liberal arts degree, think they are too sophisticated to be patriotism. They think of themselves as citizens of the world and love mankind and mother earth, but I don't think they really love America. 

When an impressionable child is exposed to other people who get misty-eyed when the flag passes in review and are surrounded by other people who stand and place their hand over their heart when the Pledge is recited, it is bound to rub off. I am not surprised that being exposed to patriotic displays tends to make one lean Republican.   

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Dems seek paid grassroots workers. And they say we’re Astroturf?

This is an ad currently running on Craig's list.

Field Positions - Tennessee Democratic Party (Nashville, TN)

The Tennessee Democratic Party is currently looking for enthusiastic, politically interested individuals for our grassroots field program.

Waiting for 2012 to roll around isn't going to work. If we're going to see gains in the 2012 election, we need to get busy! We need to ramp our organizing and outreach efforts. We need to challenge more Democrats in Tennessee to take an active roll in their Democratic organizations. We need to boost voter participation. This is why we are working to hire a new team of field staff as soon as possible.

We are currently looking to fill full-time and part-time field canvass and field manager staff positions. Advanced leadership opportunities will be available to individuals showing dedication, inspiration, and responsibility. You'll build rapport with targeted voters, sharpen your communication skills, and inspire Democrats in Tennessee. Working directly for the Tennessee Democratic Party provides an opportunity to get familiarized with state politics and get exposed to many facets of election work within a state party. Pay varies depending upon responsibilities, performance, and schedules, but typically staff will earn somewhere between $325 and $625 per week.

To learn more about the Tennessee Democratic Party, please visit our website at

Interested applicants should email their resumes.

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Thursday, June 30, 2011

Candidates Forum

Election Forum
Metro Council Districts 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33
All candidates for Metro Council from
Districts 28-33 along with all At-Large
Council Candidates have been invited.

Thursday, July 7, 2011
6:00 p.m.
Spirit of Life Church
3646 Murfreesboro Road
Antioch, TN 37013
(approx. 1 block south of Publix)


Hosted by THHAP and Southeast Community Group

For additional information email or direct 615-717-1472

Please share this information with your friends and neighbors.

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Central Labor Council Endorsements for Metro Council

The Central Labor Council has released their list of Council endorsements.  There are no surprises. A candidate endorsed by the Central Labor Council probably promised to support prevailing wage and living wage and advocates increased government spending. I have not seen the questionnaires and am not privy to the questions asked in the interview so I do not know that for certain, but an endorsement by the Central Labor Council is not a good recommendation as far as I am concerned.

Below is the list of endorsement:

Mayor                          Karl Dean
Vice-Mayor                   Diane Neighbors
Council-at-large            Megan Barry                       
Council-at-large            Tim Garrett           
Council-at-large            Jerry Maynard                       
Council-at-large            Ronnie Steine                       
Council-at-large            Vivian Wilhoite   

District 1    Lonnell Matthews Jr.
District 2    Frank Harrison
District 3    Walter Hunt
District 4    Brady Banks
District 5    Scott Davis
District 6    No endorsement
District 7    Anthony Davis
District 7    Randy Reed
District 8    Nancy Van Reece
District 9    No endorsement
District 10  Doug Pardue
District 11  Darren Jernigan
District 12  No endorsement
District 13  Marilyn Robinson
District 14  James Bruce Stanley
District 15  No endorsement
District 16  Anna Page
District 17  Sandra Moore
District 18  Burkley Allen
District 18  David Glasgow
District 19  Erica Gilmore
District 20  Buddy Baker
District 21  Edith Langster
District 22  Seanna Brandmeir
District 23  No endorsement
District 24  Jason Holleman
District 25  Sean McGuire
District 26  Chris Harmon
District 27  No endorsement
District 28  Tanaka Vercher
District 29   Karen Johnson
District 30  No endorsement
District 31  Fabian Bedne
District 32  Markeith Braden

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Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Gay Rights Group endorses Council Candidates.

The Tennessee Equality Project Political Action Committee has released their list of endorsements for Metro Council.

Most of their endorsements were predictable but there was one surprise in who they did not endorse.

In September 2009 the Metro Council passed by a vote of 24 to 15 a bill to protect Metro government employees from discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity. The lead sponsor of the ordinance was Megan Barry and the bill had these nine cosponsors: Tim Garrett, Ronnie Steine, Jerry Maynard, Mike Jameson, Erik Cole, Anna Page, Sandra Moore, Buddy Baker, and Sean McGuire.

In April of 2011 the Council by a vote of 21-15 with three abstentions passed a bill to mandate that any business or entity doing business with Metro Government must have a policy of not discriminating against gay, lesbian, bi-sexual, or transgendered people. Many felt it was wrong to force a small business or faith-based entity that felt that homosexual activity is sinful to have to hire an openly gay person. Also, there was fear that in the future this special protection would be extended to all employers doing business within Davidson County.

Those voting for passage this bill were as follows: Barry, Steine, Maynard, Matthews, Harrison, Hollin, Jameson, Cole, Jernigan, Page, Moore, LaLonde, Gilmore, Langster, Evans, Holleman, McGuire, Whilhoite, Coleman, and Mitchell.

Those voting against the bill were: Tygard, Craddock, Bennett, Forkum, Ryman, Gotto, Burch, Stanley, Claiborne, Crafton, Dominy, Hodge, Toler, Duvall, and Todd.

Tim Garrett was absent. These three members abstained: Hunt, Adkins, Foster

I was disappointed to see Tim Garrett as a sponsor of the 2009 bill. At the time TEP thanked all of the sponsors. This week when TEP released their endorsments they did not endorse Tim Garrett. So much for gratitude.

Here is the list of TEP endorsements.  They did not make endorsements in every district.

Mayor                        Karl Dean
Vice Mayor                Diane Neighbors
Council At-Large (5)   Megan Barry, Sam Coleman, Jerry Maynard, Ronnie Steine, and Vivian Wilhoite
District Council Members

1        Lonnell Mathews
2        Frank Harrison
4        Brady Banks
5        Scott Davis
6        Peter Westerholm
7        Anthony Davis
8        Nancy VanReece
11      Darren Jernigan
13      Marilyn Robinson
17      Sandra Moore
18      David Glasgow
19      Erica Gilmore
20      Buddy Baker
21      Edith Taylor Langster
22      Seanna Brandmeier
23      Emily Evans
24      Jason Holleman
25      Sean McGuire
26      Chris Harmon
27      Davette Blalock
28      Tanaka Vercher
31      Fabian Bedne
32      Both Jacobia Dowell and Markeith Braden endorsed.

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Fraternal Order of Police released their endorsements

The Nashville chapter of the Fraternal Order of Police released their endorsements today for the upcoming Mayoral and Council elections. The candidates highlighted in red below are candidates I am also supporting.

Below is the list of the FOP endorsed candidates:

Mayor: Karl Dean

Vice Mayor: Diane Neighbors

Council At Large:

Megan Barry
Ronnie Steine
Jerry Maynard
Charlie Tygard

District 1: Chuck Hoosier

District 2: No endorsement

District 3: Walter Hunt

District 4: Brady Banks

District 5: Scott Davis

District 6: Dave Rich

District 7: Anthony Davis

District 8: Karen Bennet

District 9: Bill Pridemore Jr

District 10: Doug Dukie Pardue

District 11: Darren Jernigan

District 12: No endorsement

District 13: No Endorsement

District 14: James Bruce Stanley

District 15: Phil Claiborne

District 16: Anna Page

District 17: Sandra Moore

District 18: Burkley Allen

District 19: Curt Wallen

District 20: Buddy Baker

District 21: Edith Taylor Langston

District 22: Seanna Brandmeir

District 23: Emily Evans

District 24: Jason Holleman

District 25: Sean McGuire

District 26: Brock Parks

District 27: Davette Dennison Blalock

District 28: Duane Dominy

District 29: Karen Johnson

District 30: No Endorsement

District 31: No endorsement

District 32: Jacobia C Dowell

District 33: No Endorsement

District 34: No Endorsement

District 35: No Endorsement

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SEIU Local 205 endorces Conservative Council Candidates: Crafton, Jakes, Duvall, Dominy

Service Employees International Union (SEIU) Local 205 announced their endorsements today for Metro Council races. I am pleasantly surprised! SEIU Local 205 is supporting several of the same candidates I am supporting.

For Council at-Large they are endorsing Eric Crafton, Ken Jakes and Tim Garrett. Tim Garrett is a Democrat but he is a conservative Democrat. Of the current five At-large Council members, only Charlie Tygart may be considered equally as conservative as Tim Garrett. Eric Crafton and Ken Jakes are both Republicans. To bypass incumbent liberals to select two Republican challengers took courage.

In the district races, SEIU endorsed Emily Evans (23), Jason Holleman (24), Davette Blablock (27), Duane Dominy (28), and Robert Duvall (33). Several of these candidates such as Dominy and Duvall are openly Republican and some of the others, while Democrats, have not always voted with the Mayor and have shown a lot of independence.

Nationally the SEIU is perceived as extremely liberal if not radical. They were active in supporting the candidacy of Barack Obama in 2008 and spent $28 million in that effort making the SEIU the biggest spender by an independent organization. They were active in the healthcare issue often showing up to counter protest at tea party event. They have been accused of ballot rigging and using intimidation to persuade workers to vote in the SEIU as their union. In unionizing efforts, many of their activities have been considered thug-like.

Locally, the SEIU represents most government unionized workers who are not represented by either the Fraternal Order of Police, the International Association of Fire Fighters, or the Metro Nashville Education Association. They represent health care workers, janitors, school support staff and people who work for Public Works.

The endorsement of Republicans and conservative and independent Democrats by the SEIU just goes to show that in a big organization their can be diversity and one should be cautious about assuming too much. I know many Metro employees are conservative and if the rank and file really are the ones choosing which candidates to endorse then I should not be surprised that good public servants like Duvall and Dominy get the SEIU endorsement. I applaud the SEIU Local 205 for their independence and courage.

Below is the press release issued by the SEIU.Candidates I am supporting are highlighted in red.

SEIU Announces Metro Council Endorsements

Metro Employee Organization Urges Election of Pro-Worker Candidates

(Nashville) The Service Employees International Union (SEIU) Local 205 today announced a list of candidates endorsed by the organization for Nashville's Metro Council elections, to be held on August 4, 2011.

“These candidates were chosen by rank and file members of our union who are directly affected by the decisions made by the Metro Council,” said Doug Collier, President of SEIU Local 205.

“We need candidates who will stand up and support working class families and who believe in our values. Working class families are the backbone of Nashville and we make Nashville strong,” said Billy Deaderick, a meter technician for Nashville Electric Service who served on the union’s candidate committee.

“Over 80% of SEIU members and their families live and vote in the county, so we believe that our members will make the difference in many of these races,” said James Brown, a telephony technician working for Metro Schools who also served on the union’s committee.

The endorsed candidates are:

Megan Barry
Eric Crafton
Tim Garrett
Ken Jakes
Vivian Wilhoite

Dist. 1
Lonnell Matthews, Jr. 

Dist. 2
Gloria Jones

Dist. 3
Walter Hunt

Dist. 4
Brady Banks 

Dist. 5
Priscilla Eaton

Dist. 6
Peter Westerholm

Dist. 10
Doug Pardue

Dist. 11
Darren Jernigan

Dist. 14
James Bruce Stanley

Dist. 16
Anna Page

Dist. 18
David Glasgow

Dist. 19
Erica Gilmore 

Dist. 20
Buddy Baker

Dist. 21
Edith Taylor Langster

Dist. 22
Seanna Brandmeir

Dist. 23
Emily Evans

Dist. 24
Jason Holleman

Dist. 26
Chris Harmon
Brock Parks

Dist. 27
Davette Blalock

Dist. 28
Duane Dominy 
Dist. 29
Karen Johnson

Dist. 30
Jason Potts 

Dist. 31
Fabian Bedne

Dist. 32
Jacobia Dowell

Dist. 33
Robert Duvall

Dist. 35
Bo Mitchell 

Early voting runs from July 15-30. For information on polling locations and other election information, contact the Davidson County Election Commission at 862-8800.

SEIU is the largest single labor union in North America, with a membership of 2.1 million members who work in the public and private sectors. In Nashville, Local 205 represents thousands of public employees in Metro Schools, Metro General Government, the Metro Action Commission, Metro Nashville Hospital Authority, Metro Development and Housing Authority, and Nashville Electric Service, as well as workers in private sector companies including Meharry Medical College and the Nashville Auto Diesel College.

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Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Steve Gill says Sharia Law is already here. Look at his example.

Steve Gill had this headline on his post today in big bold letters: "ISLAMIC SHARIA LAW WON’T COME HERE?!?!? IT ALREADY IS!!" 

The text of the post read: "Last week we had Delta Airlines entering a partnership with the anti-semitic Saudi airline. Now we have a commercial development in Washington, DC deciding not to lease space to banks or restaurants that sell alcohol because their funding comes from a Muslim bank. Stock up on bacon and pork sausage now before your grocery store gets a loan from a Saudi bank!!!"

Steve, you are smarter than that. Why are you trying to scare people? Delta Airlines was not forced to enter into a partnership with Saudi Airlines. The developer in Washington was not forced to borrow money from a Muslim bank.  Do you not know the difference between "law" and voluntary agreements such as deed restrictions, partnership agreements, restrictive covenants and lease agreements?

Steve, are you an idiot or just spreading lies? Is that the best you could come up with?

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A Reception for Duane Dominy


Friends and Supporters of

Councilman Duane Dominy

Invite you to a reception at
The Standard Restaurant
167 Rosa L. Parks Boulevard · Nashville,Tennessee 37203
Tuesday, June 28, 2011
4:00 pm - 7:00 pm
(Suggested Minimum Donation, $100)
Hosts and Supporters of Councilman Dominy
Lt. Governor Ron Ramsey
Senator Douglas Henry
Senator Jack Johnson
Senator Jim Tracy
Representative Jim Gotto
Representative Pat Marsh
Representative Ben West, Jr. (retired)
Councilman Greg Adkins                                                   Councilman Randy Foster
Councilman Phil Claiborne                                                 Counciman Tim Garrett
Councilman Sam Coleman                                                 Councilman Jim Hodge
Council Lady Karen Bennett                                              Councilman Darren Jernign
Councilman Carl Burch                                                      Councilman Sean McQuire
Councilman Michael Craddock                                           Counciman Rip Ryman
Councilman Eric Crafton                                                     Counciman James Bruce Stanley
Councilman Robert Duvall                                                  Councilman Carter Todd
Council Lady Emily Evans                                                  Councilman Parker Toler
Councilman Jim Forkum                                                      Counciman Charlie Tygard

Shiri Anderson, Al Bodie, Juan Borges, Fran Bush, Pat Carl, Neil Chaffin, Robert Chavez, Bill Covington, Daniel Davis,
Sharon Ford, Tony & Dana Formosa, Chuck Grimes, George Gruhn, Jeff Hartline, Tootie Haskins, William "Gary" Heflin,
Glen Hughes, Ken Jakes, Bobby Joslin, Raul Lopez, J B Loring, Mike Meadows, William Morgan, Ed Nutter,
Anthony Roberts,  Bill & Betsy Ross, Bill Ross, Jr,Tim Skow, Shane Smiley, Kathleen Starnes, Michael Swift,
Buford Tune, Metch & Nadia Ukaj, Tony Watson,Tom White, Wanda White, Rick Williams, Rod Williams, Brian Williams,
Mark Winslow.

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Tre Hargett, Guest Speaker at Bellevue Breakfast Club

SATURDAY, July 2, 2011
8:00 AM  BREAKFAST (Dutch)
7114 HWY 70 SOUTH
(same shopping center as TJMaxx & CVS Pharmacy)

 Special Guest
          Tre Hargett            
                        Tre Hargett                           
Secretary of State
Tre is one of three Republicans chosen by the legislature to
 serve as a constitutional officers. He will talk about his job & what we can
do to get active in the upcoming elections.
There will be time for Q & A

Thanks for your support!
Betty Hood
Join the Party!!!

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Weiner Limerick

There once was a pervert named Weiner
Who had a perverted demeanor
Forced from the Hill  
For acting like Bill
Now Congress is one
weiner leaner 

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Sunday, June 26, 2011

Endorsements for Metro Council

Below are my endorsements of candidates in the upcoming Metro council elections. I personally know several of the candidates who I am endorsing.  Others, I have heard speak at public meetings or have observed on TV. I have studied the voting records of the incumbents. For those with no record and who I do not know, I have taken the recommendation of other people whose opinions I value.  I have not made an endorsement in every race. In some of the races, I simply do not know any of the candidates and in other races it appears that no contender has anything to recommend him over his opponent. This list is subject to change and new endorsements may be added. In a separate post, I will giving my endorsements for the Council-at-large race.

Feedback is welcome. If you disagree with any of my endorsements or have your own recommendations, I welcome hearing from you.  

Charles Hoosoer
District 1, Charles Hoosoer On his website he states he for keeping taxes low and saving the fairgrounds. He has the endorsement of the Davidson County Republican Party (DCRP) For more information see Charles (Chuck) Hoosier For District 1 Council.

District 2, no recommendation

Walter Hunt
District 3, Walter Hunt.  Walter Hunt is an incumbent and has no opposition. I have known Walter for a long time. He is generally a nice guy. One thing that recommends Councilman Hunt is that he supported the effort by Councilman Gotto to curtail eminent domain abuse.

Dave Patterson
District 4, Dave Patterson, 40, is and Army Veteran and still serves in the Army Reserves. He is the area manager for a building maintenance and janitorial business that specializes in "green" cleaning practices. He and his wife are competitive runners and active at Our Savior Lutheran Church. I know David. He is a solid, common-sense conservative. He has a vision for the city. He says he will focus on creating an environment to spur job creation, improving schools through more choices for families, expand transportation options and improve traffic flow. He is one of six candidates running in this open seat.

District 5, no recommendation

District 6, no recommendation

District 7, no recommendation

Karen Bennett
District 8, Karen Bennett. Karen Bennett is one of the "good dozen" council members who voted to curtail eminent domain abuse. She voted against the bill that would have extended special protections to homosexual and transgendered people. Karen is a member of the State Executive Committee of the Tennessee Republican Party. For more information see Elect Karen Bennett.

District 9, no recommendation.

District 10,  no recommendation

William Guthoerl
District 11, William Guthoerl.  He is a former police officer. He favors preservation of the fair grounds. On eminent domain he says, “Resolution RS2008-431 was a proposal to amend the Metro Charter and limit the power of eminent domain utilized by Metro Government. My opponent voted against this measure, leaving your property open to the vulnerability of the use of eminent domain." For more information go to William Guthoerl for Metro Council

Steve Glover
District 12, Steve Glover. I have met Steve and heard him speak. He is a conservative and well qualified to serve on the Metro Council. He is a former member of the Metro School Board where he served as Chair of Budget and Finance, overseeing a budget in excess of $633 million. he is also chair of the McGavock parent cluster for Hermitage, Donelson and Old Hickory. He is running unopposed. For more information see Steve Glover for Metro Council.

Josh Stites
District 13, Josh Stites. He has an MBA in finance and serves as assistant to the Treasurer of the State of Tennessee. His knowledge, skill and experience would be an asset to the Council. His platform is: Responsible Growth and Development, Fiscal Strength, No new taxes, Maintain balanced budgets, Community Strength, Well-equipped Police and Fire Departments. and Improved Infrastructure.
For more info see

District 14, no endorsement at this time.

Phil Claiborne
District 15, Phil Claiborne.  Councilman Phil Claiborne has an outstanding record of achievements for his district and an impressive list of civic involvements. He was an outspoken critic of the pro-gay ordinance recently passed by the Metro Council arguing owners with religious convictions must "abandon their core beliefs" to do business with Metro if it passed. He is running unopposed. For more information see

District 16, No recommendation at this time. This is tough one. I do not personally know much about either candidate but have met incumbent Anna Page. This is the district I used to represent when I served in the Council in the 80's so I have a special interest in this district. I encourage voters to get to know both candidates and make an informed decision. While Anna Page voted against the effort to curtail eminent domain abuse and while she has not distinguished herself as a leader in the council, she is responsive to her district and very involved in the community.

Her opponent, Tony Tenpenny, has been endorsed by the Davidson County Republican Party but I am concerned about his lengthy arrest record. The last arrest however was in 2002 and he very well may have cleaned up his act and be on the straight and narrow. I am not making an endorsement at this time. I cannot find a website on Mr. Tenpenny and have never met him and do not know his qualification.

Sandra Moore
District 17, Sandra Moore. I am not endorsing incumbent Sandra Moore because I agree with her politics but I would rather anyone get elected other than Jerry Graves. Jerry Graves was the person who defeated me by running a very dirty campaign of lies and a last minute smear campaign. Also Jerry Graves is just not that bright and is not qualified to serve. Sometimes you have to choose the least bad candidate. With four people in the race, I would not want to split the vote too many ways and allow Jerry Graves to get elected so I am supporting incumbent Sandra Moore.

District 18, no recommendation

Bob Ries
District 19, Bob Ries. I know Bob and he is one of the nicest men you would ever want to meet and has an engaging sense of humor. Bob was one of the Republicans seeking the 5th Congressional Republican nomination last August. He is pro-growth and often thinks outside the box. He is a small business owner and has a degree in economics. 

District 20, no recommendation

District 21, no recommendation

Sherri Weiner
District 22, Sheri Weiner. Sheri Weiner has a long list of civic involvements and recognitions including 2007 Bellevue Citizen of the Year; Past President, Bellevue Chamber; President, Bellevue Exchange Club; President, Pine Forest Homeowners; Chair, Bellevue Picnic; Chair, Bellevue Clean Up Days; and Chair, Bellevue Weather Radio Distribution to Seniors. She has the support of Councilman Eric Crafton who is vacating that seat due to term limits and at-large Councilman Charlie Tygard and the endorsement of the DCRP.
For more information see Sherri Weiner for Metro Council.

District 23, Emily Evans. Emily is running unopposed. Evans, with a background in finance has distinguished herself as the "go to" financial expert in the council. She is respected and listened to. She provides thoughtful opinions on Nashville's issues. Instead of running for district Council member, I wish she was running for Mayor. She would make a great Mayor. She has opposed Mayor Dean on the Convention Center and the fairgrounds redevelopment plan and generally votes conservative. To read more about Emily Evans go to Metro Council District 23.

Jason Holleman
District 24, Jason Holleman. Jason Holleman has apparently really annoyed the mayor and it looks like he may be at the top of the list of those being targeted for defeat. He opposed the new convention center and supported preservation of the Tennessee State Fairgrounds. He also was a supporter of Councilmen Michael Craddock's short-lived mayoral campaign. You can read more about the vendetta of the mayor to defeat Jason Holleman in this Nashville Sean article.

James Kaminski
District 25, James Michael Kaminski. James say, "a lot more work needs to be done to address the shortage of sidewalks, the poor planning of existing sidewalks, and the inconsistent bike lanes that plague our area. Upon his election, James will dedicate himself to giving the residents of District 25 the pedestrian-friendly environment that they deserve." I also know Jason is a good conservative who has worked in the Republican Party but if I knew nothing else about him other than he was going to support a "pedestrian-friendly environment" I would be for him. I am glad to see someone else recognized that we build sidewalks stupidly. We need to make Nashville safe for pedestrians and do more to make Nashville a walkable city.
For more information visit James Kaminski for Council.

District 26. No recommendations at this time.

Davette Blalock
District 27. Davette Blalock. Davette is owner of Blalock Services which provides insurance, real estate, and financial planning services. She has received the endorsement of the DCRP and promises good government. For more information visit Davette Blalock for Metro Council District 27.

Duane Dominy
District 28. Duane Dominy. Duane Dominy is one of my favorite Council members. He ran for the State Legislature last August as a Republican against Sherry Jones. He is a solid conservative. He has probably done more to save the fairgrounds than any other council member. He was one of the "good dozen" who voted to stop the abuse of eminent domain.

Distirct 29, No endorsement at this time. I am torn on this one. I personally know Karen Johnson and consider her my friend. She is a former school board member and she is smart and cares about her community. However, Karen is a Democrat and this spring while I was attending a tea party rally advocating teacher tenure reform, Karen Johnson was rallying with the unionist opposing education reform. Still, I like Karen Johnson. She is not such a dogmatic liberal that one cannot reason with her.

I have heard her opponent Isaac Okoreeh Baah speak and am impressed. He is an African immigrant. He is  a Republican and has received the endorsement of the DCRP. He is an engineer and has thirty one years of Building Codes, Zoning and facilities construction experience. That background would be valuable for someone serving in the Metro Council. In the end, ideology will probably win out over my personal friendship with Karen, but I am not prepared to make an endorsement in this race at this time.

Jim Hodge
District 30, Jim Hodge. Jim has been endorsed by State Senator Doug Henry as well as present and past council members Karen Bennett, Phil Claiborne, Eric Crafton, Duane Dominy, Buck Dozier, Robert Duvall, Randy Foster, Jim Forkum, Tim Garrett, Jim Gotto, Michael Kerstetter, J. B. Loring, Rip Ryman, Carter Todd, Parker Toler and Charlie Tygard. He was an outspoken critic of the bill that would have extended special protections to gays and transgendered people.

District 31, and 32 no endorsement.

Robert Duvall
District 33 Robert Duvall. Robert is another one of my very favorite council members.  He is a principled, common-sense, hard-working, smart conservative who is not hesitant to identify himself as a Republican. He has done a lot to help build the Republican Party in Davidson County. He cares about his community, Nashville and our country. He supports limited government, private property rights and low taxes.  In his district he revitalized and made financially solvent five neighborhood organization. He is a caring, kind individual. He is a fighter. He has been a strong advocate of saving the fair grounds. Because of his leadership and willingness to stand up to the administration, he is being targeted for defeat. We must reelect Robert Duvall. Please, contribute, volunteer and help reelect Robert.

Carter Todd
District 34, Carter Todd.  He is an incumbent running unopposed. He is legal council to Gaylord Entertainment and a 1982 graduate of Vanderbilt University School of Law. He has a long list of civic involvements including Board Trustee, United Way of Metropolitan Nashville; Member, The Green Hills Action Partners (TGHAP); Board Member, YMCA of Middle Tennessee; Member, Downtown Nashville Rotary Club, Board Member, American Red Cross, Nashville Area Chapter; Past Chair, Nashville Sports Council;  Former Secretary-Treasurer of Nashville Bar Association; Past Vice-Chair, Nashville Chamber of Commerce; and more. 

Tonya Jones
District 35 Tonya Jones. Tonya Jones a former Metro Planning commissioner and an unabashed conservative,  is running against incumbent Bo Mitchell, an outspoken Democrat and one of the most liberal members of the Council. Former district councilman Charlie Tygard and the DCRP are supporting Jones; every liberal and labor union in town are supporting Mitchell. For more info visit Tonya's facebook page at Tonya Jones For Metro Council District 35.

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