Below is the list of candidates endorsed by the Greater Nashville Association of Realtors.
I am mystified. I don't know what to make of it. What goes into consideration in making their endorsements? I am disappointed at some of the choices. Neither Karen Bennett, Robert Duvall, Duane Dominy, nor Emily Evans, some of my favorite incumbent district council members, received endorsements. I know these council members to be smart, fair-minded, even-handed, hard-working and proponents of good government. Is the GNAR so in the pocket of the Mayor that they dare not support any of the candidates the Mayor has targeted for defeat? I don't know.
While they did pick a few good candidates (highlighted in red below) they also picked some real losers. I also do not understand why they would pick two candidates in some districts. (highlighted in blue below) By picking two candidates, if there is a third candidate in the race, that gives the third candidate an advantage by splitting the vote of the opponents of the third candidate. It makes no sense to me. In District 19, by picking two candidates that may actually help Bob Ries. I hope so, Bob Ries is a good guy.
Also, in districts with only one candidate (highlighted in green below) they made no endorsement. You know who is going to win and have nothing to lose by endorsing an unopposed candidate. What is the logic in making no endorsement when their is only one candidate in the race, unless that one candidate is known to be adamantly opposed to your agenda. Endorsing an unopposed candidate could win you a little good will.
I wish someone from the GNAR could explain the criteria used for endorsing candidates.
Mayor: Karl Dean
Vice Mayor: Diane Neigbors
At-Large: Maynard, Jerry
Garrett, Tim
Tygard, Charlie
Barry, Megan
Steine, Ronnie
District 1: Matthews, Lonnell Jr
District 2: Harrison, Frank
District 3: Hunt, Walter
District 4 Banks, Brady
District 5: Murray, Pam
District 6: Westerholm, Peter
District 7: Davis, Anthony
District 8: VanReece, Nancy
District 9: no endorsement
District 10: no endorsement
District 11: Jernigan, Darren
District 12: no endorsement
District 13:
Stites, Josh
District 14: Stanley, James Bruce
District 15: no endorsement
District 16: Page, Anna
District 17:
Moore, Sandra
District 18: Allen, Burkley
District 18: Glasgow, David
District 19: Gilmore, Erica
District 19: Wallen, Curt
District 20: Roberts, Mary Carolyn
District 21: no endorsement
District 22: Brandmeir, Seanna
District 22: Weiner, Sheri
District 23: no endrosement
District 24: Tally, Sarah Lodge
District 24: Holleman, Jason
District 25: Mc Guire, Sean
District 26: Harmon, Chris
District 27: Parks, Brock
District 28: Vercher, Tanaka
District 29: Tataryn, Vicky
District 30:
Hodge, Jim
District 31: Bedne, Fabian
District 32:
No endorsement
District 33: Turner, Page
District 34:
Todd, Carter
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