Saturday, September 24, 2011

A Kumbaya Moment: Kathleen Starnes and Billy Fields at Metro Inauguration ceremonies.

photo by Jerry Barlar

Pictured above is Kathleen Starnes, Chairman of the Davidson County Republican Party, and Billy Fields, Chairman of the Davidson County Democratic Party.

This picture came into my possession and at first I thought of blackmailing Kathleen Starnes. There are some Republicans who think you are not Republican enough if you can be on friendly terms with Democrats.  Then I thought maybe I could blackmail Billy Fields. There are probably just as many Democrats who will think Billy Fields is not sufficiently Democrat if he can embrace a Republican. I just decided to publish it.  Maybe we need reminders on occasion that just because we disagree we do not have to be disagreeable. Maybe "a hug a Democrat/hug a Republican Day" would be a good thing.

This picture was taken yesterday at the inauguration ceremonies of Mayor Dean and the new Metro Council. Goodwill did fill the air. I congratulate the Mayor on his reelection and salute the new council as they take office. I wish each of them the wisdom to make good decisions and the integrity to always do what they know is best for our city. The Mayor is always in the news and gets accolades and recognition but for the members of the Metro Council, they often have a thankless job. I think them for their service to our city.

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Monday, September 19, 2011

Nashugly: The Hume Fogg Dumpsters

There is a lot that is attractive about Nashville. There is a lot that is charming and beautiful but there is some really ugly in Nashville, and not much is uglier than the Hume Fogg dumpsters.

Two dumpsters sit on the wide sidewalks adjacent to Hume Fogg magnet school on 7th Ave. North. They are across the street from the world headquarters of the Barbershop Harmony Society, the largest all male acappella singing organization in the world. They are also across the street from the majestic Masonic Grand Lodge of Tennessee.

These dumpster take up most of the sidewalk. They are ugly, they attract flies, they stink and they ooze a sticky liquid, and debris that doesn't fit in the dumpsters spills out onto the sidewalk.
Hume Fogg has room on the rear alley to place these dumpsters but of course, Hume Fogg would lose a couple parking spaces.

Government never does a very good job of policing itself. Can anyone believe that if Hume Fogg was a private school or any other private business that they would be allowed to have these dumpster sit on the side walk like this?

Barbershop Harmony Society Building

Grand Masonic Lodge

Metro: Please make Hume Fogg move this eyesore and public nuisance to the rear.

Hume Fogg: Have you no shame? Be a good citizen and move these dumpsters!

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Rally to Support Gibson: Map: Scoreboard Restaurant - Music Valley Dr, Nash...

Rally to Support Gibson: Map: Scoreboard Restaurant - Music Valley Dr, Nash...: View Larger Map

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Report from West Nashville Summit: Rod Williams, United Way, and Neighbood Resource Center


Well, if you missed Saturday's West Nashville Eggs and Bacon Summit then you missed a very heated debate.  Joe Kirkpatrick and Rod Williams were our guests. 

Joe came to talk about his radio show on 880 AM which airs Monday through Friday from 8-10am.  He is passionate and well educated about both local and national politics.  Tune into his show to hear him along with former Representative Terry Lynn.  Joe provided a very interesting perspective on democracy and the media.

Rod spoke in depth about a recent blog post he made regarding the United Way and their funding of the Neighborhood Resource Center.   Through his investigative work Rod feels that the NRC is a front-group for political activities.  He provided an interesting perspective.

The debate began when members of both the United Way and NRC showed up to debate the blog post that Rod made.  Both sides presented very compelling evidence to their cases.  The debate at one point became very heated yet, in the interest of democracy, remained civil.  Anyone who was there learned a great deal about all parties involved and are better off for this.  It also goes to show how even when two groups disagree, they can do so in a very respectful manner even when emotions run high.

I certainly hope to see you next month.  If you have any suggestions for speakers coming up, feel free to send them to my attention.  Have a great week!


Matt Nemeth

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Sunday, September 18, 2011

End Junk Mail!

The post office is struggling with financial problems and considering closing some small rural post offices and discontinuing Saturday delivery and ending the next day delivery guarantee. That is Ok by me. Do either or all.

Obviously a good quick postal service is not as important as it used to be. There was a time when the mail was delivered twice a day, but that ended about 60 years ago. With advances in alternative ways to communicate, the postal service is less important.  I never write a letter anymore; I email. I pay my bills by automatic draft or on-line.  As far as I am concerned, the postal service could be privatized and the US Postal Service shut down, but I don't see that happening. If the postal service went away, I wouldn't miss it.

One thing not being discussed, is abolishing third class mail. Junk Mail: I hate it! I get advertisements to buy life insurance, to join AARP, Heating and Air Conditioning offers, pizza deals, oil change offers, and credit card offers and solicitation for contributions.  Because I do give to political causes, I guess my name gets sold to everyone with a right-of-center cause. I seldom get anything of value in my mail box.  Why should the postal service subsidize advertising? If I could do so, I would opt out of all third class mail, but I have don't have that option, I am forced to receive it. Why should the government force me to receive mail I don't want?

Even if third class mail is not costing the postal service money, I want the rates increased so mailers will send me less of it. I suggest making third class mail more expensive than first class. I don't know the cost to the postal service of third class mail but this is a cost to me: My time taking it out of the mail box and putting in the trash unopened and then taking the trash to the curb. There is also a cost to the city for trash disposal or recycle cost.

End junk mail, save some trees, and remove an irritant from my life!

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