Saturday, January 28, 2012

Ron Paul Wins Big at TRA Convention!

Ron Paul won the Tennessee Republican Assembly Convention straw poll by a huge, huge margin, beating out his closest rival Rick Santorum by a margin of better than 3 to 1. Here are the straw poll totals.

Ron Paul 200 votes
Rick Santorum 62 votes
Newt Gingrich 38 votes
Mitt Romney 15 votes
Jon Huntsman 1 vote

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  1. this was an awesome event! Lots of friendly intellectual Ron Paul supporters of age, background, and ethnicity. True freedom unites! Go Ron Paul 2012!

  2. This was an awesome event! Lots of enthusiastic, energetic, intellectual Ron Paul supporters of all ages, backgrounds, and ethnicity. What else can I say... True Freedom unites! Go Ron Paul 2012!
