Saturday, January 14, 2012

More on How Metro Stifles Competition

This is too good to get lost in the comments section of the previous post.  This is futher explanation of how Metro has tried to stack the deck against competitors to the well-connected established limousine companies. 

Syed A Bokhari has left a new comment on your post "Repeal of Limo Price Fixing on Metro Council Agend...":

Also, the ordinance requires a dispatch office for even the one car owner. It is a limo business for last decades lot of people were this business part time. They have a full time jobs. And also, have sedan or limo to supplement their income. They drive the car only on weekend to support their families. It is hard to make a living with one job because of the slow economy or other contributing factors.

What realistic numbers a small business owner afford an office and a payroll of a full time dispatcher when he is making only a couple hundred a week on weekends? The ordinance was written by the high end limo companies that have fleets and full time office with dispatchers so one car owners or a small guy cannot even survive. I have a question for Brian McQuistion, tell me the numbers how a small operator can afford all the expenses and pay the city licensing fees, dispatch office, etc.????

I could see how you hate the small guys in your open public meeting. You called security to a small guy when he asked you about public safety and tried to put him out of a public meeting, since you were a public servant you, Brian, violated his first amendment right. Are you a public servant? I strongly believe an the ordinance was an organized crime against small guys. I personally have the largest discount car service in Nashville with the largest dispatch office as well. But I started everything with one car. So they made sure there will never be another Metro Livery born again.

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