Saturday, January 21, 2012

Tootsies honored as one of the 25 best nightclubs - WKRN, Nashville, Tennessee News, Weather and Sports |

Tootsies honored as one of the 25 best nightclubs by Complex magazine.

I love Nashville and love to see our city get recognized as the great place that it is. I also love the honky tonks of lower Broadway. It is the music and lower Broad that makes Nashville a unique city. If you have never visited lower Broad, do it. If it has been a while since you visited, do it again.

I don't party on lower Broad as often as I did when I was younger but I do occasionally. I am more likely to go down to lower broad on a Sunday afternoon or a mid-week evening rather than a Saturday night. The music still plays but you have room to move. On a Saturday the crowds can be crushing and the dance floors are so crowded you can't dance. In December however, after an evening of doing the monthly art crawl, my wife Louella, our friend Sue Deuss and I ended up partying on lower Broadway. It was unplanned and spontaneous. We thought we would just walk back to our car by taking a walk up lower Broad. We ended up partying for hours. We went in and out of several bars. We would go in the front door of one bar, stand in the crowd listen to sample of a band, maybe stay for a couple songs, then work our way out the back door to the Opry alley, then walk in the back door of the next bar and work our way through it to the street. We ended up having a couple beers and spending a couple hours in Tootsie's visiting both the upstairs room and ground floor. It was packed and the music was loud and there was danger of getting beer spilled on you but we had a blast! There is something exciting about an enthusiastic crowd. The energy is contagious.

In the 70's when the Grand Ole' Opry abandoned the city and the city turned its back on Lower Broad and the area was overran by homeless and there were as many porno shops as honkytonks on lower Broad, Tootsie's stayed put and kept live music on lower Broad. Tootsie's is truly a Nashville treasure and Lower Broad is a unique place in America.

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