Wednesday, January 25, 2012

What the Auditors Found in John Arriola's Office.

Read the full 22 page auditors report on John Arriola's office.
Here are some of the findings:

  • collecting fees for marriage ceremonies,
  • failure to report computer fees to the country trustee on a timely basis,
  • "deficiencies in the administration of payroll,"
  • not requiring a part-time employee to document his time,
  • a part-time employee receiving full-time employee benefits, 
  • violating metro's procurement policies,
  • campaign activity in the clerk's office, 
  • failure to report use of an assigned vehicle as compensation,
  • sloppy record keeping, records and accounting for money. 
This looks pretty bad. Maybe criminal activity?

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1 comment:

  1. I heard about this, but wasn't aware of the details. After reading this, it doesn't look too good for him. I think he may be looking for a new occupation pretty quick. As for criminal activity, I'd say yes.

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