Wednesday, January 04, 2012

What happened at the Jan. 3rd Council meeting: City Chicken bill passes. New Update.

Backyard chicken bill passes on second reading: The backyard chicken bill sponsored by Council Member Karen Bennett passed on second reading. The public hearing starts at 8:07 in the above video. See 26:53 for the cute kid with the weird chicken cap on his head. Go to 37:06 to see Andy Schneider a celebrity backyard chicken advocate known as the "Chicken Whisperer." The public hearing on this bill ends at 1:09:09. Council Member Robert Duvall spoke against the bill and says he will attempt to have his district removed from the ordinance because so many of his constituents oppose it. The bill passes by voice vote with several audible "no's."

In other Council meeting news,ORDINANCE NO. BL2011-30 which would amend the Metropolitan zoning code to prohibit the conversion of nonconforming billboards to tri-face billboards was deferred to the public hearing in March. Also ORDINANCE NO. BL2011-48 a bill concerning nonconforming on-premises signs was deferred indefinitely. 

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