Thursday, February 16, 2012

Help protect our religious liberty: "WE ARE ALL CATHOLICS NOW"

The following alert is reposted from an email received from J. Lee Douglas of the Nine-12 Project Nashville group.

We need your help to protect our religious liberty.  

Appropriately, Beck has begun a movement called "WE ARE ALL CATHOLICS NOW".  The main goal of the initiative is to ask Americans to reach out to Congressional leaders (at the moment your Senators) to encourage the passage of Legislation that would protect religious groups' Conscience Rights.
Please Contact your Senators offices and Speak to whoever answers:
1.  Tell them that you want to tell the Senator to vote for the Blunt Conscience Protection Amendment.
2.  Ask them if they know how the Senator will vote on that amendment
3.  Tell them you want to be contacted back about how he voted (be sure to ask for accountability - - they hate it, but it makes them call back).
4.  When you call, be sure to tell them "we are all Catholics now".  This key phrase will let them know you are part of a larger, organized movement working in support of religious freedom.
Thanks to each and everyone.  This is one of the most important issues of our time.  WE CA N NOT ALLOW THEM TO TAKE OUR RELIGIOUS FREEDOM AWAY.  WE MUST STAND UP AND FIGHT!!!!!!!!!
Lamar Alexander  202-224-4944 Washington, 615-736-5129 Nashville, 731-423-9344 Jackson
Bob Corker  202-224-3344 Washington, 615-279-8125  Nashville, 731-424-9655 Jackson

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