Tuesday, February 07, 2012

It's Getting Crowded in the 20th: Tim Garrett, Dave Briley, Eric Crafton, David Hall and More.

The list of potential candidates seeking to replace Senator Sen. Joe Haynes, who recently announced he would not be seeking reelection, is growing longer. According to an article in today's City Paper, among Democrats considering a run for the State Senate District 20 seat  are At-large Councilmen Tim Garrett, At-large Councilman Ronnie Steine, District 4 Councilman Brady Banks, former school board member  Dewey Branstetter and former At-large Councilman David Briley who is the Grandson of former Mayor Beverly Briley and who was a former candidate for Mayor of Nashville.

Emily Evans has been mentioned as a candidate but it is unclear if she would run as a Republican or a Democrat.

Among Republican, Steve Dickerson who ran a good race against Senator Doug Henry in District 21 in 2010 was first to announce. Former Councilman Eric Crafton, who may be best known as the leader of the failed English-only initiative and who ran as as a Republican for the office of Juvenile Court Clerk has expressed interest in running. David Hall who ran against Congressman Jim Cooper for the 5th Congressional District seat is considering the race.  I have also heard some guy named Scooter somebody (don't know the last name) who is a big GOP bundler for fundraising is considering the race.

The qualifying deadline is April 5, Party primaries are Aug. 2 and the general election will be November 6th.

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