Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Nashville Grassroots Activist Training School

The March 10th Nashville Grassroots Activist Training School is sponsored by the National Association for Gun Rights and the Campaign for Liberty!

This one-day class will be taught by Dudley Brown, Executive Director of the National Association for Gun Rights, the fastest-growing and second largest grassroots gun rights organization in the country.

Dudley will teach you the real nature of politics, the biggest lie in politics, how to choose your battles, how to work effectively at the Capitol (what to do and what not to do), how to raise money, and how to build a group of liberty-minded activists.

With the proper “no-compromise” training, we can take back our country and restore America!

This is a class that you cannot miss. Reserve your ticket right now: http://www.training4liberty.org/facl/nashvi...
When: Saturday, March 10th, 2012, 8:30 A.M. to 5:00 P.M.
Where: Granny White Church of Christ, 3805 Granny White Pike, Nashville, Tennessee 37204
Cost: $30 (includes lunch & materials)

Disclaimer: From time to time A Disgruntled Republican may post announcements of interest to the conservative, libertarian, or greater community. Such announcements are posted as a public service to spread awareness and do not necessarily constitute an endorsement. 

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