Saturday, February 18, 2012

Nashville Republican Jewish Coalition presents Diane Black

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RJC Nashville Chapter
Congressman Diane Black (TN-6)  
Wednesday, February 22   

As a small business owner, former educator and registered nurse for over 40 years, Congressman Diane Black brings a unique perspective to her work in Washington. Click here for more information
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Save the Date:  
March 23-25  
RJC Winter Leadership Meeting in Las Vegas. Email Alex Siegel to upgrade to the National Leadership and attend our biggest meeting of the year! 

RJC Nashville Chapter
invites you to a conversation with
Congressman Diane Black
Wednesday, February 22 
Gordon JCC of Nashville  
801 Percy Warner Blvd. 
Nashville, TN 37205

No Charge for Current RJC Leaders and Members
$20 for eTeam, NonCurrent, and Friends

RSVP is Required.
Please RSVP to Alex Siegel by calling
202-638-2909 ext. 107 or email

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