Saturday, March 31, 2012

Davidson County Sheriff's Office Budget Hearing

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Summary of the Sheriff's Department budget hearings.

Daron Hall makes the budget presentation. He says the Sheriff's Department will be within budget this year and will be for the coming year. He can live with the 2% budget cut.  He has managed cuts well. The personnel turn over rate is one of the lowest in the county which saves a lot of money. The Department has one of the lowest overtime rates in Metro government and one of the lowest overtime rates of any sheriff's department in the Country. We have some 1100 empty beds in our system. (There was a time in the past when we had jail overcrowding.) This saves a lot of money. The staffing ratios are within standards due to the decrease in inmates. One whole building that can house 300 inmates is closed. He is looking at taking inmates from other counties for a fee or leasing an empty building to a for-profit corrections company that would use the building to house state juvenile offenders.

The 287G program (illegal immigrant deportation program)  is one of the reasons for the decrease in inmate population. Only 2% of those arrested under 287G are rearrested anywhere.

A program called "transition from jail to community" is credited with reducing recidivism. Nashville is only one of six jurisdictions in the country that has this program and Nashville's has been the best of those. Nashville's program is recognized as the "best practices" model. Cooperation between various elements in the criminal justice community and non-profits has made this program successful.

It is my view that we are fortunate to have Daron Hall as our Sheriff and it is my impression that he is doing a good job.

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