Saturday, March 31, 2012

Fire Department Budget Hearing: They want $2.3 million more. more money.

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Fire Department Budget Hearing
Fire Chief Steve  Halford make the presentation.

New fire stations have opened in the last year. If the department was to have a 2% reduction, we would have to have a reduction of 31 personnel.  This would result in the elimination of 2 of the current 35 fire companies. This would result a reduction in response time. The Department this year had a Department of Homeland Security grant called a "safer grant" which allowed, along with some existing vacancies, the department to train hire and field 63 new firefighters and emergency medical technicians. We need to make up with local funds the loss of this one-time grant. The bottom line? The Chief list several line item "budget modifications" that total to a $2.3 million additional budget request.

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1 comment:

  1. "We need to make up with local funds the loss of this one-time grant."

    This was the "progressive" plan all along.
