Thursday, March 29, 2012

Metro Health wants $256,000 more and reports on the Radon inspection program.

Watch the video
Dr. Bill Paul presents the budget.
Summary of Public Health Department Budget hearing:
Metro Public Heath wants a net increase of $256,000. About half of the budget of Public Health is paid for with local tax dollars. The local appropriation to support the department has been shirking for each of the past three years. "CCPW" funding is ending as expected. We need more funding to fund positions that were temporarily funded by the stimulus.

The radon inspection program, an issue dear to my heart, is discussed at 8:47 in the video. "We are requesting a position to continue our efforts on Radon. The Metro Council passed an ordinance in 1989 that required us to test all Metro building for Radon. I can't really explain why this wasn't done for so many years." The Mayor asked where they were on this. Dr. Paul says all metro buildings and metro schools have been inspected and they are working with the schools on an action plan for lowering the radon levels where they are elevated.

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