Thursday, March 29, 2012

State Senate Candidate Dickerson Set to Release over $200,000 Raised

Cashing in on Tremendous Support

Dr. Steve Dickerson
NASHVILLE, TN. - Dr. Steve Dickerson, the Republican candidate for the State Senate in District 20, is set to release a solid first quarter filing.

 “Since announcing my intentions to run, I have been humbled by the support I have received for my campaign for State Senate. As we all know our current economic situation is tough, therefore I have been truly touched by the amount of monetary support for my campaign,” said Dickerson.  “The tremendous outpouring of support has been a strong reminder of why I am running and I look forward to representing the constituents of this great district.”

Dr. Dickerson, the first candidate to enter the race for the Republican primary, is slated to report over 200,000 dollars raised in the first quarter alone. 

“I believe releasing such strong numbers shows great momentum for our campaign that we will continually build upon throughout the race.” Dickerson continued, “As a physician and small business owner I understand the importance of a strong financial backing, while these numbers show that we are off to a good start the campaign will continue to work tirelessly to greatly expand these numbers.”

Each candidate is required by State law to report all campaign contributions and expenditures each quarter, the first quarter filing is due by April 10th. The first quarter campaign financial disclosures cover the period of January 16, 2012 through March 31, 2012. 

Steve Dickerson is a practicing physician and founding partner of Anesthesia Services Associates. Dickerson attended the University of the South in Sewanee graduating with a B.A. in History. He then received his medical degree at the Bowman Gray School of Medicine of Wake Forest University. Steve Dickerson has been married to his wife Katrina for 19 years and they have three sons, Reid, Evan, and Bennett.

For more information about the Steve Dickerson campaign or to schedule an interview with Dr. Dickerson contact: 615-519-1896 or visit

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